How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month?

劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)
经过劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)
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How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month?

无论您是想苗条参加大型活动(您好,婚礼)还是快速适应您的旧牛仔裤,都渴望快速体重减狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓轻is understandable. Whilefad diets可能会因野生诺言而诱人(例如,一个月内减掉20磅!),它们也倾向于适得其反,可能会对您造成破坏metabolism。Most dieters who follow strict diets rebound and恢复体重

安全和sustainable weight loss另一方面,涉及生活方式的改变并需要时间:“大多数研究支持以缓慢而稳定的速度减肥以长期维持体重减轻,”认证的Ryan Maciel确认万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球总部位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的力量和调理专家。

Still, if you’re wonderingexactlyhow much weight you can safely lose in one month, here’s your guide, according to weight-loss experts:


狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓减肥取决于无数因素,例如age,,,,gender,,,,physical activity leveleffects of certain medications,所以每个人都按照自己的速度走。芝加哥西北医学代谢健康和外科体重减轻中心的一名减肥内分泌学家伊丽莎白·洛登(Elizabeth Lowden)博士说,一个好的经验法则是目标是每周减肥1-2磅或每月4-8磅。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球换句话说,约占您体重的5-10%。

If you want to lose a pound a week,您需要卡路里赤字(aka less calories in comparison to those you need to maintain your current weight) of about 3,500 calories, or 500 calories per day, explains Lowden. Because it can be difficult to decrease your intake by that much,upping your physical activitycan help burn more calories.

Keep in mind, though, week 1 of your减肥计划可能是误导的。“It wouldn’t be uncommon to lose 5 pounds your first week, maybe even up to 10, but this isn’t a rate you can expect to continue — and you may even notice no weight loss the next couple of weeks,” says Lowden. That’s because as you lower your caloric intake and begin做出更健康的饮食选择,,,,your glycogen stores (aka molecules made from the碳水化合物you eat) drop, and since they’re attached to water molecules,you lose water weight with them,解释Lowden。“因此,如果您最初燃烧的磅很快就不会感到沮丧减肥速度放慢脚步- 这个是正常的。”


许多人想知道一个月内减掉20磅是否安全。Lowden说:“除非您参加了一项医学监督的减肥计划,否则您刚刚接受了减肥手术,否则每月减掉超过10磅的磅非常罕见。”请记住,如果您的体重太快,您的身体就会反击。你的新陈代谢减慢了,你hormones shiftincrease your cravingsand appetite, and you even burn less fat, according to回顾in the International Journal of Obesity这些变化可能导致disordered eating habits,,,,warns Lowden.

What’s more, no matter how quickly you’re losing weight, you also lose a certain amount oflean muscle mass在此过程中(尤其是如果您不努力锻炼肌肉),并且失去太多会严重破坏您的新陈代谢。这就是为什么strength training when trying to lose weightis important. Plus, a diet至o low in caloriescould result in nutritional deficiencies, and rapid weight loss could lead to gallstones from improper gallbladder functioning, adds Maciel.

In short, a speedy weight-loss regimen to drop a dress or pants size is generally not worth it. As frustrating as it may be, try to be patient so you are successful long-term.




“It’s essential tohave realistic goals在开始减肥之旅之前的期望。” Maciel说。跟踪减肥目标with an app likeMyFitnessPal他补充说,可能非常有帮助。然后,每周将时间弄出来plan your mealsandworkouts。After you’ve built up your confidence by reaching a few small goals, you can begin toaim higher with bigger challenges。For example, start by getting into a常规的步行习惯before为您的第一个5K培训



Of course,进步只是线性的- 有时会you’ll hit a weight-loss plateauor evengain a few pounds back,尽管您尽了最大的努力。Maciel说,但是了解并接受这是旅程的一部分,可以帮助您保持正轨。“而number on the scalemight take time to change, remember to acknowledge and celebrate how your clothes fit differently and how you’re able to lift heavier weights orjog longer,”建议劳登。这些都是您在正确的轨道上的迹象。



Maciel说:“不要放弃减肥的基本原理,以寻找魔术子弹。”万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球重要的是要记住更多的饮食nutrient-dense whole foods,,,,exercising regularly,获得优质的睡眠andmaking time for self-careare all essential parts of the weight-loss equation. If you’re not losing weight on your current plan, take a hard look at your饮食,运动和生活方式习惯and consider reaching out for help from a support group or nutritionist, he suggests.



When you’re working oneating and lifestyle changes,“减少摄入量的正常饥饿感,但是你永远不要沉迷于饿洛登说。“荣誉你hunger cues有更健康的选择。”为了避免暴饮暴食,mindful eating techniquescan also help.


虽然健康减肥需要很多毅力和奉狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓献精神,但slow-and-steady routeis your best bet. “So many people stop what they’re doing because they’re not seeing immediate changes, but一致性是关键。您会注意到随着时间的推移重量变化,但您必须坚持下去。” Lowden说。


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About the Author

劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)
劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)

劳伦·克鲁斯(Lauren Krouse)是一位自由作家,涵盖了健康,家庭暴力和自我顾问。她的作品出现在妇女的健康,男性健康,预防,自我,huffpost,和其他地方。当她不写作时,您会发现她试图与她的伴侣和黑人实验室一起在树林里进行更多,举重或在树林里行走。


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