
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
经过劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)

There are many great reasons to follow a regular fitness routine. After all, cardio and resistance training offer a host of health-related benefits, from lowering血压andbad cholesterol,,,,to增强心情and减轻焦虑





这听起来很简单,但是一个开始减肥之旅的好地方是体育活动指南,由疾病预防和健康促进办公室于2008年发布(计划在2018年底之前发布新准则)。“有了我看到的客户数量,令人惊讶的是,有多少人甚至没有做这些基本建议,”says Jonathan Valdez, RDN, ACE-certified personal trainer, owner ofGenki营养以及媒体代表New York State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Adults should be getting roughly 150 minutes (that’s 2 1/2 hours) of moderate-intensity physical activity like brisk walking or 75 minutes (that’s 1 hour and 15 minutes) of vigorous-intensity exercise like jogging or an equivalent combination of the two every week, according to the official Physical Activity Guidelines. Add at least two days of resistance exercise per week, making sure to work all the major muscle groups.

但是,保持一致的关键是选择您喜欢的活动。“Do what you enjoy so you don’t start to associate exercise with dread or misery,”says阿里克斯·特罗夫(Alix Turoff),,,,RDN, NASM-certified personal trainer and owner of Alix Turoff Nutrition in New York City


你也可以检查一下this resource来自哈佛医学院。根据该资源,一个155磅重的人可以期望在30分钟的步伐每英里(每小时3.5英里)步行30分钟后燃烧149卡路里,游泳30分钟后的卡路里223卡路里和298卡路里的热量每英里12分钟(5 mph)的速度。


It’s incredibly difficult — though not impossible — to lose weight through exercise alone. You can manage it if you burn more calories than you consume. “You’d really have to be over-exercising, probably to a point where it becomes unhealthy,” Turoff says. For most people, the best approach to weight loss will be a combination of exercise and modest calorie restriction.


It’s worth noting exercise can affect hunger and appetite. For example, intense workouts like high-intensity interval training or long cardio sessions may cause levels of ghrelin (aka the “hunger hormone”) to dip for about an 1 1/2 hours after you’ve finished, according to小型试点研究published in the Journal of Endocrinology. Meanwhile, some people report that exercise increases their appetite, making them more likely to overeat later, “and then it might defeat the purpose of burning calories,” Turoff says. So pay attention to how your activities of choice affect your appetite. You might find it helpful to eat a small carb- and protein-rich snack (i.e., a banana and a serving of yogurt) immediately after your workout to replenish muscle glycogen (the storage form of carbohydrates), kickstart muscle repair and prevent binge-eating later.

Also, it’s important to ensure that you’re fueling with quality foods. “Exercise is the car that’s running, and nutrition is the gas that can make it run. Any type of gas can make it run, but taking the time to use the best gas will keep your car running the longest,” Valdez explains.

After all,macronutrients(碳水化合物,蛋白质,脂肪)和微量营养素(维生素和矿物质)在加油方面起着至关重要的作用。例如,如果您浏览蛋白质,,,,you may have trouble repairing and building the muscles that were broken down during a workout, Valdez says. Or, if you cut carbs too low, your energy levels dip, leading you to fatigue early in your workout.

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劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)
劳伦·贝斯基(Lauren Bedosky)

Lauren is a freelance fitness writer who specializes in covering running and strength training topics. She writes for a variety of national publications, including男性健康,,,,跑步者的世界,,,,形状andWomen’s Running。She lives in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, with her husband and their three dogs.


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