Is Fast Weight Loss or Slow Weight Loss Better for Long-Term Success?

Is Fast Weight Loss or Slow Weight Loss Better for Long-Term Success?

Cindy Ma
经过Cindy Ma
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Is Fast Weight Loss or Slow Weight Loss Better for Long-Term Success?

在某种程度上,每个人都希望立即取得结果 - 尤其是在减肥方面(提示万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球fad diets和“奇迹”减肥药)。饮食健康,保持活跃和切割卡路里是减肥的可靠方法,但它们是逐步过程的一部分,并不总是那么容易。那么,我们应该采取哪种途径来取得长期减肥成功?

逐渐减肥,按照万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球疾病预防与控制中心, is a loss of 1–2 pounds per week, or eating 500–1,000 fewer calories per day. Note that this is a general recommendation that doesn’t take into account individual factors. Since no two bodies are the same, anacceptablerate of weight loss will also depend on your individual health. While experts decry rapid weight loss, that term is up for contention. After all, “rapid” weight loss can range from losing 2–10 or more pounds per week! For the purpose of this article, losing more than 2 pounds per week is considered rapid. The general consensus is that slow and steady is better than rapid weight loss — but let’s examine the pros and cons of each.

Tech Tip:MyFitnessPalapp lets you choose from 0.5–2 pounds of weight loss per week. Adjust this to fit your needs by going to your “Goals” setting.


如果您有很多体重可以减轻体重,并且正在接受医疗监督,那么您可以快速失去它。例如,患有胃旁路手术的患者可能会开处方极低的饮食300–600 caloriesper day. Very low-calorie diets of大约800卡路里may also be prescribed to someone with a lot of weight to lose; oftentimes, these plans involve special meal replacements and supplements to meet all nutrient needs.

让我们不要忘记马拉松练习会话,detoxes and cleanses. These drastic methods of periodic cutting and exercising are popular for dropping pounds quickly (mostly in the form of water weight), but it’s difficult to keep up with this tiresome and strict lifestyle, so the results are often short-term and not recommended.


  • 动机。Seeing the numbers drop down quickly on the scale can be highly motivating.
  • Improved health (under medical supervision)。For some people,继续处理医疗问题的风险((Think: Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.) related to obesity outweighs the risks of rapid weight loss. However, this is something that is up to you and your doctor to decide.


  • 增加健康风险。没有医疗监督,通过极端卡路里赤字快速减肥可能会增加营养缺乏和电解质失衡狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓的风险。没有您身体正常运行所需的所有营养免疫系统减弱,使您有严重疾病的危险。
  • 疲倦成为新规范。耗尽所需的基本营养素和卡路里的身体,尤其是在快速速度和短时间内,会降低您的能量水平,并使日常任务更加严重。
  • Drains the big bucks.在卫生保健专业人员的持续照顾下,进行手术或购买处方饮食药物都是昂贵的。
  • Mentally exhausting.Strategies to make rapid weight loss happen require extreme efforts to control diet and exercise. Those kinds of efforts can grind down your willpower, making it unsustainable in the long run so that weight regain will likely happen.


对于我们大多数人来说,逐渐减肥更现实和可实现。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球它不会要求您大幅度地减少卡路里或从饮食中降低全食。取而代之的是,您设定自己的步伐,并灌输简单的健康习惯(例如将苏打水换成水或晚餐后散步),从而使您的健康有益于您的健康。有很多选择和路线可以活跃,eat clean。Take time to explore and choose what’s most enjoyable for you. When you’re happy, your goals are easier to stick with and achieve.


  • You learn the importance of healthy habits.逐渐减肥的好处是,您会学习艰难的变化,这些狗万体育买球万博彩票下载安卓变化将为您带来想要的身体。在这种情况下,艰苦的变化是指采用健康的生活方式习惯,影响身心。随着时间的流逝,这些看似“艰难”的变化变得更加容易,因为它们成为第二天性。在2007年的评论在80项减肥研究中,研究人员发现,在六个月内平均减少11-19磅的减肥者能够保持平均6.5-11磅的平均损失,即使经过四年后,还可以继续进行较低的能量饮食和运动。这些结果与每周1-2磅的减肥建议一致。
  • You’re better nourished.Very low-calorie diets increase your risk for nutrient deficiencies since it would be difficult to obtain all essential vitamins and minerals through food alone. This is why it’s recommended that women eatat least 1,200 calories and men consume 1,500 calories
  • Better body composition.Gradual loss ensures that you’re mostly losing fat instead of muscle or water. Eating fewer calories consistently is fundamental for weight loss, but it’s a fine line to make sure you’re not overdoing it. Chronic undereating can be detrimental to your health goals because it can push your body toward starvation. (To learn why, read为什么艰苦的事情实际上不会帮助您减肥。)
  • 处理饮食习惯之外的问题。Gradual weight loss gives you the time to assess your behaviors or personal issues. Typically, calorie-restrictive diets lead to hunger, and hunger leads to fatigue, irritability, anger and deprivation — moods that can lead to emotional overeating. A gradual weight-loss strategy with an emphasis on谨慎的饮食allows you to go at your own pace, eat what you like andtune into your body’s hunger signals




About the Author

Cindy Ma
Cindy Ma

Cindy holds a bachelor’s in nutritional science from UC Berkeley. By sharing her knowledge of nutrition, Cindy aspires to empower others to reach their full potential by living a healthy lifestyle and embracing a positive body image. She enjoys experimenting in the kitchen, exploring cultures through food, and exercising with friends. Connect with her onTwitter



  1. Avatar polk says:


  2. Avatar 米吉 says:

    great article!

  3. Avatar Damian says:

    I like the article and agree with the conclusions, but i’m missing one important con that is present for both form of diet: reduced metabolic rate. As you adapt your caloric intake, your body follows, making cutting calories alone an ineffective way for long term weight loss imo.

  4. Avatar Karls von Randolf says:

    Detoxes and cleanses are not scientific. If you wanted this to be a serious article it’s strange to include those things, even if you call them unsustainable. It’s not at all scientific.

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