
bySidney Fry, MS, RD

While nothing beats新鲜水果和蔬菜,冷冻和罐头食品可能很棒budget-friendly通向add variety to your diet。Healthy options exist in both frozen and canned forms and one is not necessarily healthier than the other. Still, there are pros and cons to each and important factors to keep in mind when searching for the best option.


Foods are typically frozen immediately following harvest (for fruits and vegetables) or being caught (for seafood and fish).Calories大量营养素don’t change, and fruits and veggies typically lock in a higher nutrient content compared to harvested produce that has spent a long time being shipped or sitting on shelves. That’s because keyvitamins and mineralsstart breaking down during the wait from harvest to plate.



一些frozen foods are处理更多和containadded sugar,salt或者preservatives. For example, frozen chicken is often pumped with a sodium solution, potatoes are typically frozen as fries and some fruits are frozen in syrup. It’s important toread the nutrition labels并寻找whole foodswith few ingredients listed.


  • 牛油果
    冷冻牛油果消除了在商店中选择略微未成熟的风险,并且富含omega-3健康脂肪。很棒的添加green smoothies和thaws easily to make牛油果toast或者鳄梨
  • 香蕉
    Thepotassium-rich fruitmakes a great addition tosmoothies和can beblended to make vegan ice cream
  • Berries
    冷冻at peak freshness,浆果富含纤维和抗氧化剂, which they retain when frozen. Berries also hold up well after thawing and make a great addition tooatmeal,yogurt,smoothies, quick breads and能源棒
  • 十字花科蔬菜
  • 鱼和海鲜
    冷冻fish offers the same nutrients and macros as fresh. Try fatty fish like三文鱼, which is rich inomega-3’s(支持大脑和心脏健康)。如果您正在寻找更瘦的蛋白质选择,请尝试tilapia
  • Medleys
    有数十种冻结的蔬菜和水果混合物可用 - 节省了金钱和时间。您可以一次分杯一两个杯子,然后将其余的冻结。寻找没有添加钠或糖的人。
  • 豌豆
    Fresh peas have a very limited season and canned varieties are typically soft and mushy.冷冻peas, however, are delicious in everything from casseroles, to谷物碗。In the same category, frozen毛豆和black eyed peas are great protein-rich options, too.


罐头食品非常实惠,保质期长,并且比冷冻食品更容易储存(这只会在冰箱中占用太多空间)。一些phytochemicals(plant compounds) are actually enhanced by the canning process, meaning you get more of them compared to fresh veggies. Examples include beta-carotene (found in carrots) for eye health and the antioxidant lycopene (found in tomatoes) which与炎症作斗争

They’re also very convenient — opening a can of黑豆胜过比rinsing and soaking dried beans overnight, then boiling, simmering for several hours, and seasoning before being able to enjoy.

相似地,金枪鱼罐头is far more affordable than fresh or frozen and can be ready to eat in a matter of minutes.


用罐头食品的权衡是它的质地,风味不如新鲜或干燥的对应物。许多罐头食品在加工过程中还添加了盐,糖和不必要的防腐剂。尤其是,罐头水果经常说“用自己的果汁包装”,这实际上是隐藏的糖炸弹, so you’re better off choosing fresh or frozen fruit.

Again, it’s important to read the labels and choose options labeled no-salt added or low in sodium. Some cans may also contain BPA, a chemical found in the lining of some metal food and drink containers that has beenlinkedto several health problems.


  • 豆子
    罐装豆富含纤维和蛋白质,并且比干燥更方便(这可能需要数小时,通常涉及过夜浸泡)。寻找低钠的品种或挤满未加成的盐的品种,然后在烹饪时调味。即使在使用之前冲洗和排干豆子也可以去除多达40%的钠。扁豆,鹰嘴豆, black and pinto beans are all great options.
  • 甜菜
    Canned beets are ready upon opening to toss over salads, into全谷类for a side dish or tossed intobreakfast skillet hashes。他们有anti-inflammatory benefits并提供多达12%的每日叶酸要求。
  • Fish
    Canned tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel areunderrated for weight loss。它们不仅是预算友好的,而且是高质量蛋白质和omega-3脂肪酸的重要来源。冲洗和排水以切断钠或寻找堆满水的钠。野生捕获是比耕种更可持续的选择(此处更多),但是任何品种都是蛋白质丰富的选择keep on hand in the pantry
  • Soup
    Canned soup is a convenient way to include more fiber-rich veggies in your diet. Just make sure to look for low-sodium varieties and pay attention to serving size.Eating soup as an appetizercan help you feel full longer and consume less calories overall.
  • 番茄
    西红柿的高水分含量使它们难以冷冻,使罐头成为更好的选择。根据您的需求,您会发现各种形状和尺寸的西红柿罐头切成薄片。再次 - 检查钠并选择下钠品种。使用它们汤和stews, as apizza sauce或者a base forshakshuka


When it comes to frozen and canned foods, one is not necessarily healthier than the other. There are great options in both categories and it depends on your cooking needs. Whether you opt for frozen or canned, make sure to read the nutrition labels and choose ones with the fewest ingredients possible, keeping an eye out for added sodium, sugar and preservatives.


Sidney Fry, MS, RD

西德尼(Sidney)是两次获得詹姆斯·比尔德(James Beard)屡获殊荣的食品和营养作家,编辑和妈妈位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰。一位注册的营养师,热衷于研究并积极地对健康,她喜欢用基于全食品的方法饮食,写作,跑步,跑步和创造简单的美味佳肴。从中了解更多herwebsite,Instagram或者Twitter


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