
经过Trinh Le, MPH, RD
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One way that you can address high blood pressure is to review the amount of salt in your diet. Salt is a key player in cooking because it enhances flavors, masks off flavors, and helps preserve foods beyond their standard shelf life (think smoked, cured and pickled foods). But, when it comes to heart health, salt (or sodium-chloride) receives much of the blame because it’s high in sodium.

quick tip 1

Sodium is a major electrolyte; it’s role is to regulate fluid balance, and help with muscle contraction and nerve signaling. Because it affects fluid balance, sodium also affects your blood pressure. High-sodium diets are linked to higher blood pressure.


subhead 2


Keep a look out for新建议since the dietary guidelines will be changing soon. Eating about 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day is helpful at slashing your risk for heart disease, but eating any less than 1,500 milligrams yields no benefit.


subhead 3


1.慢慢削减钠。Figure out what your typical sodium intake is and make it a first goal to slash 1,000 milligrams per day. Why? Because if you’re used to eating at a saltiness level of 4,000 milligrams per day, you won’t enjoy your food when you start eating a 2,300 milligram sodium diet. You need to give your tongue time to readjust. Then, slash until you’re at your goal (We suggest 2,300 mg per day if you’re a healthy adult).

2.避开加工食品当pos和购买新鲜sible. About 75% of the sodium you get from your diet comes from processed food. The rule of thumb is that the more processed a food is, the more sodium it contains because there’s more opportunity to introduce sodium.

Here are two examples of how an unprocessed peach and a tomato accumulate sodium as they become more processed:

tip 2

3.练习低钠烹饪。Cooking your own meals is one of the best ways to control the amount of sodium in your food. When preparing your own foods, follow some of these tricks to keep your meal as low in sodium as possible:

  • Rinse all canned beans and vegetables under cold water before cooking with them.
  • Hold the salt, and season with herbs and spices instead. Rosemary, oregano, basil, cayenne pepper, paprika, ginger, garlic, black pepper, chili powder, lemon zest, and so forth are just some of the inspiring ways to add flavor without upping sodium.
  • 在调味料和腌料中使用柑橘汁和醋代替盐。
  • 烘烤时,由于这些上升的剂含有相当数量的钠,因此添加更少的小苏打或发酵粉。
食物(每茶匙) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV*
0 2,300 100%
Baking Powder 0 350-500 15-20%
小苏打 0 1,250 55%



Food (serving size) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV Food (serving size) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV
干酪(½杯) 92 348 15% Deli meat, Turkey (3 oz) 95 1,022 44%
帕尔玛干酪(1盎司) 111 390 17% Ham (3 oz) 60 590 26%
Bleu奶酪(1盎司) 100 325 14% Corned Beef (3 oz) 213 763 33%
美国(1盎司) 94 364 16% 烟熏鲑鱼(3盎司) 99 371 16%
罗曼诺(1盎司) 110 406 18% 培根(3盎司) 350 556 24%
腌制的侧面 咸零食
Food (serving size) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV Food (serving size) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV
泡菜(4芯片) 27 137 6% Pretzels (1 oz) 110 450 20%
酸菜(1/4杯) 7 235 10% 微波爆米花(1/2弹出袋) 242 332 14%
福利(1汤匙) 20 122 5% 盐酸饼干(1盎司) 119 267 12%
Food (serving size) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV Food (serving size) 卡路里 Sodium (mg) %DV
番茄酱(2汤匙) 34 308 13% 鸡汤(1杯) 15 924 40%
Steak Sauce (2 tablespoons) 32 560 24% Vegetable broth (1 cup) 12 940 41%
烧烤酱(2汤匙) 58 349 15% 牛肉汤(1杯) 17 893 39%
意大利调味料(2汤匙) 71 292 13%
酱油(2汤匙) 17 1758 76%


4. Know your sodium labels.Understanding the label lingo that goes into buying canned or packaged goods will help you trim sodium from your diet. Here’s a couple of terms for you to watch out for when you’re at the supermarket:

  • Sodium Free:Less than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving.
  • Low Sodium:每份140毫克或更少的钠。
  • 钠非常低:35 milligrams or less of sodium per serving.
  • 轻轻咸:与原始食物的份量相同,将钠添加到该食物中的50%。

5.跟踪您的钠myfitnesspal。Check the “reports” tab in the MyFitnessPal app to see if you stayed within your sodium goals for the day. The app sets your sodium limit at 2,300 milligrams per day, but you can lower this goal manually if needed. If you accidentally blow your sodium limit for the day, don’t worry, you’re not doomed! Look back at your diary to figure out which foods were highest in sodium, and use tomorrow as an opportunity to troubleshoot. Remember that your blood pressure is a number that depends on more than just your sodium intake.


About the Author

Trinh Le, MPH, RD
特林(Trinh)是白天的注册营养师,博客作者无所畏惧的食物路经过night. She loves helping folks develop a better relationship with food, which includes lots of cooking, eating and learning about nutrition. When she’s not snapping mouthwatering shots of (mostly) healthy food, you can find Trinh HIIT-ing it at her local gym. For more, connect with her onFacebook,,,,InstagramandPinterest



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