

步行might not be the most strenuous form of exercise, but it is an effective way to保持身材burn fat。我们知道其中一个most dangerous types of fat- 腹部脂肪 - 也是最简单的损失尽管您无法发现减少脂肪,但步行可以帮助减少总体脂肪(包括腹部脂肪)。但是,关键是保持一致并在右边行走heart rate zone最大化卡路里和脂肪燃烧。


减肥(including belly fat) is all about burning more calories than you’re consuming. Once you have a healthy,均衡饮食到位,提高您的步骤计数consistently, you’ll begin to notice overall weight loss. For some people, belly fat might be the last area of the body where you notice results, while for others it is the first.




To burn as many calories as possible and maximize your weight loss, you’ll need to walk in thecorrect heart rate zone。The fat-burning zone is roughly 60–70% of your maximum heart rate and burns about 7–12 calories per minute depending on the person. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Then, multiply that number by 0.6. For example, a 30-year-old has a maximum heart rate of 190 beats per minute (bpm). To achieve an intensity equivalent to 60%, aim to hover around 114 bpm.

When you exercise in this fat-burning zone, keep in mind, duration is key. Since the intensity is low to moderate, you want to make sure your workouts are long enough (work your way up to 45 minutes to an hour) so the body burns fat instead of stored carbohydrates. In the beginning of your workouts, sugars and stored carbs are burned first. When these are depleted, the body becomes more efficient at burning fat as the workout duration increases.



Completing your walking workouts处于禁食状态在您吃或喝任何东西之前的早晨,还可以帮助您的身体使用脂肪作为锻炼的能源,而不是依靠您刚吃早餐的那些碳水化合物。

“Fasted cardio burns more fat because less nutrients are circulating within the body to use for energy,” says Ben Walker, a fitness instructor and owner atAnywhere Fitness。“Keeping it long and steady targets more fat cells.”



尝试此样本锻炼:Begin with an easy 10-minute walk to warm up your muscles and get loose. For the main set, walk for either 45 minutes in Zone 2 or do two sets of 22 minutes, taking a break, if needed, at the halfway point. You can also do a few exercises like squats,弓步或者pushupsto break things up before you begin the second half of your workout. Once you’ve completed 45 minutes, end your walk with another 10 minutes of easy walking to cool down.



If you do the exact same workout all the time, your body eventually adapts, and calorie burn is less significant. While you’ll want to do a majority of your workouts in the fat-burning zone, if weight-loss is your primary concern,提高强度每周1-2次可以提供额外的提升。

“To lose body fat, you have to train all aspects of your fitness and progressively increase intensity,” says Walker. Remember, “losing weight is a patience game.”

In fact,这项研究shows increasing the intensity withinterval training与低强度运动相比,可以更有效地减少皮下和腹部脂肪。请记住更高强度的运动给关节带来更多压力,并且需要在会议之间进行大量恢复avoid injury,这就是为什么建议每周不超过两次会议的原因。

Along with步行间隔, Walker recommends mixing things up with力量训练每周几次。“在进行抵抗训练时,例如bodyweight exercises或举重,我们肌肉纤维分解, needing nutrients and rest to repair,” says Walker. “During this phase, our body burns a significant amount of energy. Accompanied with a good diet, a combination of both training methods burns more calories.”


尝试此样本锻炼:Begin with a 10-minute warmup, gradually increasing your pace. For the main set, alternate 2 minutes of walking at a moderate pace with 1 minute at the fastest walking pace you can tolerate. Open your stride, pump your arms, and raise your heart rate as much as possible to burn the most calories. Alternate 2 minutes easy, 1 minute hard for 20 minutes. Cool down for 10 minutes after your 20-minute block is completed. To make this workout more difficult,try jogging或者light running for your 1-minute periods instead.




In addition to a regular exercise routine,饮食在减肥中起重要作用万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球,减少不必要的卡路里仍然是失去不必要的腹部脂肪的最佳方法之一。

吃均衡的饮食,包括大量whole foods,沃克说。“选择较少加工的碳水化合物并选择全谷类像燕麦,大麦,藜麦和荞麦一样,非常适合持久的能量,并具有更多的维生素和矿物质。”他还建议食用healthy fats和plenty of fruits and vegetables, which contain filling,肠友好的纤维微量营养素。沃克补充说:“瘦蛋白鸡肉,鱼类和小扁豆等饱和脂肪较少,”还可以帮助减肥和万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球减少您的腹部

对于有些人,meal timing is important, too,沃克说。您可能会发现吃大早餐,以帮助您度过一天,而较小的晚餐有助于减肥。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球为他人,整天几顿较小的饭菜(与传统三个相反)效果更好。

无论您在减肥旅程中的任何地方,都可以尝试tracking your food intakewith anapp like MyFitnessPal因此,您可以了解自己的消费和何时消耗。从那里,您可以进行适合您生活方式和个人需求的调整。

或者iginally published October 2019, updated with additional reporting

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马克is a freelance writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona. He holds a master’s degree in writing from Portland State University and is a certified physical therapy assistant. An avid cyclist and runner of over 20 years, Marc contributes to熔岩,竞争对手凤凰户外magazines. He is the former cycling editor for Active.com.



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