12 RD-Approved Approaches to Frozen Food

byJulia Malacoff
12 RD-Approved Approaches to Frozen Food

Frozen foods have always been nutritious and convenient- 尤其是当您最大程度地减少去杂货店的旅行时。更重要的是,冻结的易腐物,您将无法在它们变坏之前就可以吃help avoid food waste。With grocery store shelves occasionally being empty and the need to节省食品预算, figuring out how to preserve what you have on hand is crucial.

Some frozen foods can even减少进餐准备时间,这对于任何在家工作的人和照顾目前不在学校的孩子的人都是关键。加上对get the nutrients you need to stay healthy, and the freezer offers many solutions.



这些可以持续数月的冰柜。莫妮卡·奥斯兰德·莫雷诺(Monica Auslander Moreno),路。“My favorite is achickpea coconut curry。在一些橄榄油和盐中炒洋葱和三色辣椒,加入一罐椰奶,一罐碎西红柿和一罐鹰嘴豆。加入1汤匙姜黄(具有抗炎特性),1汤匙咖喱粉,一些胡椒粉和一小撮辣椒。盖上煮10-20分钟。”汤冷却后,将其冷冻在冰箱安全的容器或可重新密封的袋子中。准备进食后,让它在冰箱中解冻,直到可以轻松地将其分解,然后在锅中重新加热,建议莫雷诺(Moreno)。

For many, spending more time at home means baking more than usual. Conveniently, you can use your freezer to make your creations last longer. “I always have some kind ofmuffin或者granola bar在冰箱里。”卡拉·霍尔(Kara Hoerr),路。“这样,他们只要我想要一个就保持新鲜。冷却后,我将每个人单独用保鲜膜包裹,然后放在冷冻袋中。当松饼或格兰诺拉麦片听起来很早餐或小吃时,我将其解开并在微波炉中弹出30秒。”

Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, farro煮熟时,更多实际上是冰柜友好的。这意味着你可以prep a large amount of grains all at once, then defrost them as needed to cut down on cooking time. “Once cooked, allow the grain to cool for about 20 minutes until it reaches room temperature,” recommendsToby Amidor,路。“如果您有大批量,请将其分成较小的批次,以便更快地冷却。如果您打算使用各个部分,请将1杯(150克)左右存储在单个冰柜安全容器中。或者,对于一个四口之家,将几杯储存在较大的容器中。”带日期的标签容器;冷冻煮熟的谷物最多可以储存2个月。

The night before you’d like to eat the grains, place the container in the refrigerator overnight to defrost. To reheat, Amidor recommends placing your grains in a microwave-safe container or bowl with a splash of water, then heating on high for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the quantity.


烤蔬菜为饭菜增添了营养和风味,但需要很长时间才能做饭。这就是为什么霍尔cooks them in big batches,然后将2杯(300克)部分冷冻在冰柜安全玻璃容器中,以供以后使用。“您几乎可以冷冻任何蔬菜,但是我发现烤根蔬菜效果最好,例如sweet potato,南瓜,胡萝卜和beets。它们不像您第一次烤时那样清脆,但是它们的工作效果很好added to salads。”只需在要使用它们的前一天将它们解冻在冰箱中。

Already-frozen veggies are always a solid choice, but you can also freeze any vegetables you have at home that are about to go bad, especially chopped greens. “If I am unable to use my greens before they go bad, I toss them into the freezer in a large Stasher reusable bag,” says Kristen Carli, RD, owner ofCamelback Nutrition and Wellness。一旦冻结,这些提供一个快速和简单的方法to bump up the nutrition of any hot meal. Plus, you often don’t even have to defrost them. “I’ve found that kale can easily go into any soup or pasta sauce from frozen,” Carli says.

If you want toget really creative with not wasting food, give this a try: “Keep veggie scraps like onion peels, garlic skins, carrot tops and broccoli stalks in an extra-large bag. Then once a week, you can use them to make a batch of veggie stock.” Just place all of the veggie scraps (6 cups (900g) or more) and 8–12 cups of water in a large stock pot and simmer for 3–4 hours. Alternatively, you can use a pressure cooker and cook for 15 minutes. Once cooked, strain and store in freezer-safe containers. The broth is great for adding flavor and nutrients when cookingrice,干豆作为汤的基础

冷冻虾是最喜欢的蛋白质,以少量卡路里获得大量蛋白质。Amanda A. Kostro Miller,路。Plus, a big bag of frozen shrimp lasts a long time. “I like buying shrimp that is already shelled and deveined but uncooked,” says Kostro Miller. “Add it tostir-fries,Mac和奶酪或者谷物碗。”

“I always have edamame beans in my freezer to add to meals likepasta dishes,stir-fries, salads and soups,” Miller notes. “Edamame beans are a great way to getplant-based protein, and they’re also notable for their高纤维,维生素K,铁和叶酸含量。我在烹饪时可以将它们平淡,冷冻和脱落,以便我可以直接将它们添加到热菜中。”

“什么时候bananas我开始变得太成熟了,我用蜡纸将盘子衬上,将香蕉切成薄片,然后将它们铺在盘子上以冷冻。” Hoerr说。“一旦将它们冷冻,我就将它们转移到冰箱袋中。这使得很容易抽出零食(即paired with peanut butter) or toadd to smoothies。”

Whileavocados是极好的来源healthy fat, they’re notorious for browning quickly. Good news: you can freeze them at peak ripeness. “Place the whole avocado in the freezer,” instructs凯莉·伊万尼尔(Kylie Ivanir),路。“什么时候you’re ready to eat, run it under hot water for 30 seconds, then let sit on the counter for 30 minutes.” You now have a ripe, fresh avocado that’s great for散布在烤面包上,添加smoothies甚至using in baked goods

“Marinated meats can last in the freezer for several months and can easily be the star of any dish,” says海莉·戈利希(Haley Golich),路。“Simply place the meat in a freezer-safe bag,add the marinade和toss to evenly coat. Keep the meat and marinade in the fridge for a few hours to maximize meat tenderness and flavor, then store in the freezer for up to 9 months. Before cooking, run the freezer bag under water for 1–2 minutes to separate the meat from the bag.”

When cooking the meat, you have several options. You can heat it in a slow cooker on high for 6–8 hours, in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes, in a skillet on medium-high heat for about 15 minutes, or until cooked through. Add in some frozen vegetables and a grain, and you have the ingredients for a quick,美味,简单的冰柜餐,” adds Golich.

“当我们疲倦和无动力时,准备蛋白质来源您的待办事项清单可能不高。”Abby Vichill,路。But it doesn’t have to be that way. “If you have delicious and convenient staples to prepare in less than 10 minutes, you’re more likely to stay on top of your goals. And we know that ahigh-quality protein source at every meal is the key to creating satietyin those times when we’revulnerable to overeating。”



Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。


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