Does Standing Burn Enough Calories to Aid Weight Loss?

byLisa Fields
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Does Standing Burn Enough Calories to Aid Weight Loss?

Fans of standing desks say they can help you get out of your chair more throughout the day, counteracting thenegative health effects of too much sitting。But when it comes to万博彩票下载安卓, a standing desk isn’t a magic bullet.

Although standing periodically has some advantages over periods of prolonged sitting, it isn’t a form of exercise, and by itself, more standing won’t help you lose weight. “I view it as a continuum, with sitting on one end and bona fide exercise on the other,” says Jamie Burr, PhD, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Guelph in Ontario. “The closer we can move toward exercise, the better. Thus, standing moves the needle a little. Walking [or] cycling even more.”


Someresearch显示肥胖的成年人每天比瘦成年人高2-3个小时,这增加了他们患心脏病,糖尿病和全因死亡率的风险。一整天的花费长时间站立有助于分解长时间的坐着。无论您是否超重,站立对您的健康有益,因为它会增加血液流动和improve posture, preventing aches and pains.

However, standing doesn’t add physical activity to your day, promote aerobic exercise or help you燃烧足够的卡路里减肥。一studyfound participants expended 12% more energy while standing compared to sitting, which was the equivalent of about 9–10 additional calories per hour. But most people don’t stand long enough for this to make a difference.

“If it was 12% higher for the whole day, that might be useful, but people don’t tend to stand all day,” says study author James Betts, PhD, professor of metabolic physiology at the University of Bath in England. “They tend to only do that for an hour or two. [And] if it’s an hour and a half with 12% more, that’s not a big difference. [The] calories per day doesn’t stack up to be a meaningful amount.”


There are more health advantages to using a treadmill desk than a standing desk, according to someresearch, becausetreadmill walkingincorporates physical activity, while standing is a sedentary behavior. Some experts argue periods of standing may encourage people to walk more than they would if they were still seated.

“站立会分解坐着时间,也可能会使[人]倾向于more bouts of walking- 也就是说,如果已经站着,很容易采取一些步骤。”研究作者Burr说。即使只是围绕街区或您的房子的一圈,有些步行总比没有好


Whether or not you have a standing desk, it’s a good idea to alternate between periods of sitting and standing throughout the day. “We know prolonged standing isn’t the solution because you don’t get any particular health benefits,” says Betts. Furthermore, when you are standing all day (think factory jobs), it could lead to injuries like plantar fasciitis.

Instead of sitting for hours on end, set an alarm reminder to stand up 2–3 times per hour. “This could be alternating standing [and] sitting, or better yet, getting up and going for a short walk,” says Burr. “As little as two minutes (i.e., a trip to补充水杯)可以积极影响血糖和甘油三酸酯水平。”

If weight loss is your goal,add walking(or another form of exercise, likecycling) into your routine regularly. Aiming for 200–300 minutes of walking per weekhas been shown to help with weight loss。If that seems like a lot,start small and work your way there

About the Author

Lisa Fields

丽莎·菲尔德(Lisa Fields)是一位专职自由作家,专门研究健康,营养,健身和心理学主题。她的作品已发表在读者的文摘,WebMD,妇女的健康,形状,自我和许多其他出版物中。丽莎是前救生员,定期游泳以保持身材。



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