Pro Tips: Why We Should Eat Like an Elite Athlete

Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD
经过Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD
Pro Tips: Why We Should Eat Like an Elite Athlete

Professional and elite athletes do things differently when it comes为他们的身体加油。为了能够在最高水平上表演,它需要奉献精神:睡眠,锻炼,康复和营养。

Nutrition is something competitive athletes must take very seriously in order to up their energy levels, replenish physically stressed bodies, focus the mind and meet the high demands of daily training and competition These athletes understand neglecting nutrition has many negative outcomes. In fact, they’ve spent a good chunk of their athletic years fine-tuning nutrition that works to optimize performance results.


This means eating a larger morning meal to promote energy when you use it the most; early to midday. This trick creates a more efficient body and prevents cravings later in the day; two factors that assist in keeping elites lean and energized.

Pro Tip:与其拿酒吧和咖啡并跑出门,不如吃一顿早餐。您可能需要在早晨额外花几分钟,但是在支持下一天的时候滋养身体是值得的。

Make sure eachmacronutrient((胖的,,,,蛋白质andcomplex carbohydrates) 随着纤维表示。跳过油腻且充满的食物精制糖,,,,but load up on healthful fats, proteins, grains and produce.



Pro Tip:将卡路里切割保存在当天晚些时候,远离培训需求。锻炼之前,即使是短暂的,确保你的身体覆盖off and ready to go. If the workout is short and intense, have a quick-acting simple carbohydrate snack roughly 30 minutes prior, like a运动饮料,,,,香蕉or gel. If your workout is endurance focused, aim for a combo of fat and complex carbs like PBJ on wheat bread, a granola bar or fruit and yogurt.

专业人士尊重恢复并了解锻炼还没有结束until you’ve consumed carbs and protein。对于大多数人来说,这意味着减少简单的水,蛋白质粉和饮料混合物。无论如何,它都不是美食,但是简单,快速,并提供了疲劳的身体快速反弹所需的融合。忽略这一步骤会使运动员有恢复不良的风险,减少肌肉的增长并在以后导致过度饥饿。

Pro Tip:Before you head to the shower or analyze your data, eat something. This is especially important for those working out每天多次或24小时内的任何时间。选择含有蛋白质和碳水化合物的叮咬或饮料,很容易准备在锻炼后进行。请记住,某事总比没有好,所以不要强调比率或营养成分,只是旨在使其成为一种习惯。

For lunch, most athletes consume a largevariety of colorful grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables and protein。吸收多种色彩成分有助于最大化维生素,矿物质和植物营养素为了使身体保持最佳状态,因为每个颜色组都与不同的营养成分相关联。

Pro Tip:Aim for a ‘build your own bowl’ café feel by loading up on a variety of colorful ingredients at each lunch. This meal doesn’t have to be massive, just aim to get 2 tablespoons to a handful of each ingredient from different categories. For example, take a bowl and add a scoop of brown rice, a hard-boiled egg, vinaigrette-massaged kale, lentils, avocado, tomatoes, beet kraut, sunflower seeds and almonds. If your lunch looks like a rainbow, you’re doing it right.


Pro Tip:停止做晚餐,是您最大的,最复杂的饭菜。选择较小的盘子/碗以限制部分,并选择一些标准餐以在整个星期重复以保持压力低和准备。使用蛋白质 +淀粉 +农产品的模板来防止事情失控。为了防止事情变得无聊,请在相同的食材中添加不同的调味料和香料,而不是完全改变餐点。

About the Author

Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD
Lori Russell,MS RD CSSD

洛里,,,,MS RD CSSD is an accomplished sports dietitian; she holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition and Certification as a Specialist in Sports Nutrition. As a current professional road cyclist and previous elite marathoner and ultra-runner,洛里第一手知道食物可以提高或降低性能的增长。她了解平衡优质全食饮食与科学支持的表演营养的重要性,并努力与他人分享此信息。了解有关她的更多信息@HungryForResults


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