
珍娜·布拉多克(Jenna Braddock)
经过珍娜·布拉多克(Jenna Braddock)

Heart health, strong bones and cancer prevention are health goals most people strive to achieve. We could probably name at least one strategy in each of these categories that can help reduce our risk of disease, which is great. But there’s another body system that is equally important for adapting prevention strategies and is only just beginning to gain attention — your brain.

年轻的大多数人到中年,不一定要考虑如何照顾自己的大脑。可能工作正常。但是,尽早投资大脑健康对于建立一生的健康越来越重要。目前,在美国,有人每65秒被诊断出患有阿尔茨海默氏病;该统计数据预计将intensify to every 33 seconds by 2050


Begin with these three simple ways to build brain health:




In addition, B-vitamins, particularly folate and B6, commonly found in fruits and vegetables seem to have a connection to mental health. Research has found a higher intake of these vitamins producedimproved cognitive performanceand reduced loss of brain tissue associated with aging. Conversely, low folate levels have been associated with a risk of depression.

Knowing you need to eat more fruits and vegetables for brain health is one thing, but actually doing it is another issue. As long as you’re moving toward a higher intake, know that you can make improvements over time.

通过伸手去拿少数蓝莓每天。蓝莓是维生素C的良好来源,可提供一份(少数或杯子)的每日建议值的15%。维生素C是一种抗氧化剂,可保护细胞免受氧化自由基引起的损害。最近的研究published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that daily consumption of the equivalent of one cup of fresh blueberries, given as 24g of freeze-dried powder, showed positive changes in cognitive function over a placebo. “While more evidence is needed, results of this study add to the body of research on blueberry-supplemented diets and positive outcomes in cell and animal research on age-related cognitive decline,” said Barbara Shukitt-Hale, Ph.D., one of the study’s lead investigators.



大脑场景中最新的玩家之一是胆碱,这是一种重要的营养素,与心理健康有很强的联系。胆碱神经递质在胸罩需要吗in to work at their peak, aiding memory retention and cognitive development. It could be so crucial to brain performance that it could potentially help restore age-related cognitive function in healthy individuals.

Here’s the problem, though: National data show90%的美国人还不够通过饮食胆碱。这可能会对整个大脑健康人群产生重大影响,并且很容易解决。首先,寻找食物来源,包括全鸡蛋,利马豆,鸡肉,小麦细菌和布鲁塞尔芽菜。每天吃这些食物可以帮助您每天推荐的每日摄入量为550毫克,尽管很难单独通过食物来满足胆碱需求。值得注意的是新营养事实标签呼吁自愿标记胆碱,因为FDA认识到其许多健康益处。




维生素Dis a nutrient that has gained much attention in the past decade as its connection to overall health is uncovered. Brain health is no exception and observational research has discovered low blood levels of vitamin D were found in Alzheimer’s patients. In addition, a correlation of low risk for Alzheimer’s disease was associated with a higher dietary intake of vitamin D. One possible explanation for this connection is vitamin D plays a role in nerve health in the brain.

While this research is not rock solid yet, it does suggest a powerful connection to brain longevity. Interestingly, most people do not have their vitamin D levels checked in their annual blood work.

At your next annual exam, talk to your physician about getting your vitamin D levels checked. Blood levels less than 50 nmol/L are considered inadequate and 30 nmol/L or less deemed deficient.


披露:作者是美国Highbush Blueberry Council和Balchem的付费发言人。

About the Author

珍娜·布拉多克(Jenna Braddock)
珍娜·布拉多克(Jenna Braddock)

珍娜(Jenna)是一名注册营养师营养学家和运动营养专家。她是两个小男孩和妻子的妈妈。她在她的网站上分享了现实生活中的策略,以改善健康和可行的美味食谱狗万买球网址使健康容易。She is active onTwitter,,,,Instagram,,,,FacebookandPinterest


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