Eating For Impact: 7 Ways to Eat for Sleep

Stephanie Nelson, RD
byStephanie Nelson, RD
Eating For Impact: 7 Ways to Eat for Sleep

So far in ourEating for Impactseries we’ve talked aboutEating for EnergyandEating for Focus. This week’s topic: eating for better sleep.

Nutrition and sleep are very closely related. A diet high in processed foods, saturated fats, sugar, and sodium is linked to poor sleep. The flipside is also true. People withpoor sleep patternstend to eat more overall, have abnormal hunger hormone levels, and have low-quality diets. These easy tips are meant to improve both your diet and your sleep because they impact each other.

Eating For Impact: 7 Ways to Eat for Sleep


Eating For Impact: 7 Ways to Eat for Sleep

Several studies have shown a connection between the Mediterranean diet and improved sleep. This diet is inspired by the eating habits of people who live near the Mediterranean Sea—think France, Spain, Greece, and Italy. There are no strict rules to this diet, but it is rich in heart-healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans play starring roles along with lean proteins like seafood and poultry. Reduce red meats and sugar to a few times monthly.

Research has also shown that nuts and seeds can aid in sleep. For example, walnuts contain tryptophan, which has been shown to promote sleep. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid the body uses to make melatonin and serotonin.Melatonin helps regulate sleep5-羟色胺有助于调节情绪,食欲,疼痛和睡眠。尝试在一些坚果上零食,或者在睡觉前喝一杯您喜欢的坚果牛奶。

Eating For Impact: 7 Ways to Eat for Sleep

Eating foods such as bananas and whole grains can help in promoting sleep. That is because these foods contain minerals like magnesium and potassium which have been shown to aid in sleep. Magnesium deficiency is linked with poor sleep, but keep in mind that getting more magnesium than you need does not give you any extra benefits.

关于您应该在一天中的最后一顿饭之间有多靠近睡前,没有艰难而快速的规则。每个人都是独一无二的,因此请尝试用餐时间以找出最适合您的东西,然后相应地调整餐点。通常,这也取决于多少what you eat,因此也要注意这些因素。

Eating For Impact: 7 Ways to Eat for Sleep


The relationship between nutrition and sleep is very complicated, and becomes even more so when you consider other factors, like stress, exercise, and environment. (Anyone else have trouble sleeping while traveling?) View your overall health as a big puzzle, and try linking all these different pieces together. Eventually, it’ll all come together.

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About the Author

Stephanie Nelson, RD
Stephanie Nelson, RD

Stephanie (MS, RD) is a Registered Dietitian and is MyFitnessPal’s in-house nutrition expert and nutrition scientist. Passionate for promoting healthy lifestyles, Stephanie graduated from San Diego State University with a focus on research and disease prevention. In the past, she’s worked in cancer research and given nutrition advice to Olympic athletes and U.S. Marines undergoing extreme physical training. When she’s not thinking about food, writing about food, or eating, you can find her cuddling her dogs, on the yoga mat, attached to her snowboard, or climbing rocks.



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