
Julia Malacoff
byJulia Malacoff
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One of the best things about步行is you can do itanywhere, anytime无论您走到哪里,都可以进行锻炼。但是,任何经验丰富的步行者都知道,在关节方面,并不是所有的步行表面都是平等的。

When it comes to choosing where you’ll walk, you want to consider both terrain and texture, says Katy Bowman, MS, a biomechanist and co-creator of走得好。“这倾斜度或下降程度would be an example of terrain, and bumps are examples of texture,” she explains. ”Each combination of these moves uses different muscles.”

Overall, it’s a good idea to switch up your walking surfaces to get the most well-rounded body you can and防止受伤。“Just like being a good musician means being able to play lots of different pieces of music, a robust walker can cover many different textures and terrains,” says Bowman.




游泳池步行专家排名很高for its pros. “There are so many benefits of pool walking in helping someone meet their fitness goals, improve balance and gain body/joint range of motion,” says Donna Robertson, a teaching consultant forFoot Solutionsand a board-certified pedorthist. This is partially due to the resistance water provides during movement, as well as buoyancy, which can aid in restoring postural balance while taking pressure off the joints.



这re are many在跑步机上行走的优势。“For those who are刚开始,或者对于那些经历关节疼痛或脚上有些颤抖的人,最适合您的表面是跑步机。” Graca说。“您可以控制自己的速度和强度,并且可以设定自己舒适的步伐和倾斜度。”Graca还指出,如果您在散步期间感到摇摇欲坠或需要支持,跑步机可以抓住铁轨(尽管如果您不应该养成这样做的习惯希望最大化卡路里燃烧). Treadmills also have shock-absorbing technology, meaning your workout is lower-impact, and they allow you to get your walk in no matter the weather.

In terms of downsides, there are a couple. “Because of the propulsion of the treadmill belt, the machine is doing some of the work for you,” Taylor explains. “You may not be using all of your muscles to full capacity.” This can also affect your heel strike, she says, which may lead to knee problems for some people. Treadmills can also feel monotonous, and you might be less motivated to push yourself.


A track is a softer surface and therefore lower-impact on joints. “It’s an easy way to bust out some miles,” Bowman adds, especially since the standard track distance makes it简单地衡量您走了多远





become slippery,” Taylor adds, which might increase risk of injury.


“Trails are a natural surface that offer a high degree of variability, which can result in more body use,” says Bowman. Essentially, when your surface is varied, your body works harder. Onestudyfound walking on a surface that varied by only 2.5 cm (1 inch) from a flat smooth one resulted in an extra 28% increase in calorie-burning, addsSarah Pelc Graca, a certified personal trainer.

鲍曼说:“此外,大自然还有自己的营养。”这走出大自然的好处include lower stress levels, more energy and, often, a more intense workout. You can find适合所有健身水平的步道,这是探索新领域以帮助您保持动力的好方法。


如果您曾经在海滩上漫步,那么您可能知道在沙滩上行走的挑战性。罗伯逊说:“穿过柔软的沙子需要更多的肌肉力量和激活,与在平稳稳定的表面上行走相比,疲劳更快。”如果你是trying to get a quick workout,这可能是一个主要优势。专家提示:如果您在海滩上行走,距离水最远的沙子将是最干燥,最柔软的,因此步行最具挑战性。

On the flip side, the soft quality of sand can lead to injuries and strains,especially if you always walk barefoot罗伯逊说。泰勒说,如果您在海滩上行走,请记住地形的自然倾斜也很重要。如果您总是朝一个方向行走,那么您可能会进行不平衡的锻炼,因此最好通过朝一个方向行走,然后转身行走并朝相反的方向行走以平衡事物。


Asphalt is a slightly better option than cement sidewalks, since it’s a bit more forgiving, Taylor says. It also has the benefit of being a smooth, even surface, provided the asphalt is in good condition.



Cement sidewalks are generally flat and widely accessible, which can be helpful for people who have trouble with balance or are looking to go outside for a short walk.

问题是“水泥制成的人行道没有弹性,”乔·安·泰勒(Jo Ann Taylor)说这步行Connection。她说:“如果您遇到关节问题,这可能会给膝盖,脚踝和臀部带来不适当的压力,”她说,尤其是如果您定期在该表面上行走。如果无法避免,她建议确保您的鞋子有proper cushioning

To become more active, try setting a simple goal to increase (and track) your daily steps. Go to“Plans” in the MyFitnessPal appand choose a 28-day step plan to learn tips to boost your activity.


Julia Malacoff
Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。



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