
Elizabeth Millard
经过Elizabeth Millard

也许您已经设置了ambitious-but-achievable fitness goalfor the year ahead, or you’re coming back from an injury that sidelined you for a few months (or years), or maybe you’re seeing great食物跟踪的进展并希望将运动添加到健康的生活方式组合中。


这是一个问题的问题,因为“更好”的情况可能会因您的舒适度等因素而异,what motivates youand even your current financial situation. That’s why it’s a good idea to take some time to compare your options and make sure you’re choosing the best fit for you.

“如果您是健身的新手或一段时间后回来,那就有太多选择感到不知所措,”经过认证的力量和条件专家Aaron Leventhal说,总部位于明尼阿波利斯的老板和所有者Fit Studio。“在您在健身房注册或支付流媒体锻炼网站之前,请权衡每个网站的利弊,这样您最终就不会为不使用的东西付费。”


尤其是在年初,在会员交易方面,健身房可能会有一些非常有吸引力的选择 - 但即使如此,streaming workout sitestend to be the more affordable choice, as long as you use them regularly. That can also be an incentive to work out more often since you can continue to lower the per-class cost compared to the fixed expense of a gym.


If you want the widest variety of equipment — including items for functional fitness likekettlebellsand药球— it’s tough to beat a gym. That’s particularly true for cardio options like anelliptical,划船机和跑步机。如果其中任何一个是进行决策的推动力,请确保根据这些选项的可用性比较健身房 - 并在忙碌的时期前往使用设备的使用量。



当您准备将这种新的信心带到健身房时,您可能会发现,与其他练习者在一起可以为您带来更多的动力和敬业度。不确定健身房是否有您想要的氛围?培训师阿里·格林曼(Ali Greenman)建议最后的稻草健身




If you’re someone who easily puts off workouts to clean the house, answer emails, scroll through social media, run errands or do literally any other task to avoid exercise, it may be tougher to get started at home. Leventhal says. If one of your other resolutions this year is tostop procrastinating,这可能是基于健身房的例程对您来说更好。

阅读更多>5 Tips For Finding Size-Inclusive Classes, Gyms and Trainers

尽管在某些情况下,您会更喜欢健身房而不是在家锻炼 - 反之亦然 - 将它们结合在一起并获得两者兼而有之,这可能是特别有效的。

For example, go to the gym a couple of days per week for the social interaction, motivation, certain classes, and cardio and strength equipment, while making home workouts your standard for schedule convenience, comfort and consistency.

“All movement is good movement,” says Leventhal. “The key is to find whichever place makes you look forward to working out and feeling like you want to keep progressing.”

About the Author

Elizabeth Millard
Elizabeth Millard

Elizabeth is a freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness, as well as an ACE certified personal trainer and Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher. Her work has appeared in SELF, Runner’s World, Women’s Health and CNN.


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