What to Know About Trendy Apple Cider Vinegar Products

Lisa Fields
经过Lisa Fields
What to Know About Trendy Apple Cider Vinegar Products

You’ve probably heardapple cider vinegartouted as a home remedy for everything from牙齿美白减肥万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球。“There are many claims about apple cider vinegar, but evidence just doesn’t support these at the moment,” saysMorgsn Clair.,MS,RD。

已经完成了很少的研究以验证与苹果醋相关的健康声称,其中一些是不确定的。One study发现肥胖的人在使用苹果酒醋的限制性饮食中的重量比那些没有补充醋的人失去更多的重量,但这是一个小型研究,该研究发生在3个月的时间内。

另一项研究回顾了先前发表的研究发现apple cider vinegar often had positive effects on blood-sugar levels, but this was not true across the board. Differences might be attributed to details which varied between individual studies, such as the amount of vinegar consumed, the acidity of the product, the timing of ingestion and more, according to the authors.

Some people drink the liquid straight, but the high acid content can destroy your tooth enamel over time. Before ingesting, be sure to mix the vinegar with liquid, such as water. “If you drink too much without diluting it, the acid can potentially be harmful to your teeth or esophagus,” says本坦纳纳是医生的助手。



Goli Nutrition’s苹果醋胶粘剂are vegan, gluten-free and gelatin-free. They contain beets and pomegranates (for added vitamin B and antioxidants), in addition to apple cider vinegar. Although there’s some cane sugar in the product, there’s only 1 gram of sugar per 2-gummy serving, which the company says is equivalent to one shot of apple cider vinegar.



伊桑苹果醋射击combine apple cider vinegar with apple juice, waterturmeric和黑胡椒(acombo shown to help fight inflammation) 和天然甜味剂agave. The product contains all-organic ingredients and zero artificial flavors or preservatives.



vina的闪闪发光line of fruit-flavored beverages mixes about an ounce of organic apple cider vinegar with carbonated water, a mixture of fruit juices depending on the product (cherry, orange and lime are possibilities). Some flavors contain honey or maple syrup as a sweetener. The馅饼樱桃rooibos.variety doesn’t contain these added sugars but is still mixed with several fruit juices.



凯夫塔的苹果醋滋补品products contain about an ounce of apple cider vinegar, as well as live益生菌支持肠道健康。饮料的基础是一种水性kefir产物,无需乳制品(更常见的kefir)发酵。苹果汁和其他果汁与苏打水和苹果醋相结合,甜蜜的甜蜜。这姜黄生姜variety also contains turmeric.

“我不相信有任何实际证据表明姜黄增强了苹果醋的健康益处,”坦纳表示,“但姜黄确实自己的抗炎性质有一些抗炎性质,所以你可能会得到每个人的福利。”同样,重要的是要注意果汁添加额外的糖和artificial sweeteners like stevia can actually harm gut health



然而,涉及时尚的苹果醋产品,只是确保牢记他们不是魔法子弹。根据您的预算和品味偏好,您仍然可以在饮食中包含它们,但Tanner说,但是be mindful of added sugar content

Instead of these trendy products, you can always “将苹果醋加入食谱狗万买球网址when you cook, substituting it for other types of vinegar,” says Clair. “It provides added flavor without extra additives and calories,” she says.


About the Author

Lisa Fields
Lisa Fields

Lisa Fields is a full-time freelance writer who specializes in health, nutrition, fitness and psychology topics. Her work has been published in Reader’s Digest, WebMD, Women’s Health, Shape, Self and many other publications. A former lifeguard, Lisa swims regularly to stay in shape.You can read more of her work athttp://www.writtenbylisafields.com/


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