
Elizabeth Millard
经过Elizabeth Millard

Everyone strives for a healthier diet, but loading up on nutritious options may require some adjustment, especially for your digestive system.

“当您在饮食中添加更多健康的选择时,有时意外的结果是腹胀和消化障碍,”塔玛拉·杜克·弗里曼(Tamara Duker Freuman)说:“肿的腹部肚皮语”。她指出增加了纤维可以是一个罪魁祸首,以及不同的比例脂肪和碳水化合物


尽管众多专家建议pitfalls of juice cleanses超过了好处,仍然有很多人将他们视为新饮食计划的“重置”,尤其是可能导致的快速(但通常是不可持续的)减肥。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球

These仅果汁程序might add more维生素和矿物质Freuman说,进入您的系统,但您也错过了纤维。发生这种情况时,您的消化系统基本上会反击。

“When you have zero fiber, you’ll see the consequences in the bathroom,” she says. Many people become constipated, she notes, because fiber gives our stool bulk. Others might have the opposite problem with diarrhea because of the high amount of sugar alcohols introduced by the fruits and vegetables — without the fiber that would allow those alcohols to be absorbed properly.

With many people still切割面筋或只是想要更健康的替代方案,豆意大利面变得更受欢迎,例如由黑豆,鹰嘴豆或毛豆制成的。这些对您来说还不错,情况恰恰相反。弗里曼说,但这可能会成为问题。

“Not everyone can eat that amount of beans in one sitting,” she says. “For example, think about how many whole chickpeas you would reasonably eat for a meal, and it’s probably about 1/4 cup on your salad. But when it’s made into flour, you might be getting 2 or 3 cups in one meal. That’s an immense portion.”

Because of that, she suggests using these pastas as a side dish, not as a main course.

Similar to bean pastas, nut flours tend to contain a very high amount of specific nuts compared to what you’d eat as a regular serving if they were in a whole form. Freuman says almond flour is especially prized in paleo diets, and vegans tend to opt for cashew-based options, but both may cause bloating and gas when consumed in bigger portions.


有时,特定的蔬菜或水果会变得时尚 - 例如,羽衣甘蓝和鳄梨在聚光灯下度过了一段时间 - 现在的花椰菜似乎是杰出的。这可能是因为蔬菜非常适合流行的饮食计划Paleoand或者只是试图限制碳水化合物并增加蔬菜摄入量。

Cauliflower is touted for its ability to mimic rice, mashed potatoes,pizza crustand other foods. While those are all great options, Freuman advises people ease into a cauliflower spree since the vegetable may cause some gas buildup, especially when paired with others in the brassica family like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.


这可能是出于与果汁清洁问题相同的原因而发生的 -糖醇在胶制成的人造甜味剂xylitol or sorbitol can produce intestinal gas. Since you swallow more air when you’re chewing gum, that can result in discomfort in your digestive tract.





如果您获得重置但白天经常感到不适,她建议保留食物日志 - 例如MyFitnessPal- 因此,您可以开始指出哪些类型的食物可能引起问题。


Elizabeth Millard
Elizabeth Millard

Elizabeth is a freelance journalist specializing in health and fitness, as well as an ACE certified personal trainer and Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher. Her work has appeared in SELF, Runner’s World, Women’s Health and CNN.


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