
克里斯汀·伯恩(Christine Byrne)
经过克里斯汀·伯恩(Christine Byrne)

如果您想烤,您可能know your way around classics像汉堡,牛排,鸡胸肉和玉米一样。但是,如果您还没有尝试在烤架上扔一块水果,请考虑这是一个友好的挑战。

Not only is fruit packed with severalvitamins and minerals,但它也很高纤维,无数可靠的健康益处,从降低的疾病风险到better weight maintenance。另外,natural sugarsin fruit caramelize on the grill, making it even tastier.

You can eat grilled fruit for dessert, chopped up in salads or even have it for breakfast on top of yogurt. Just make sure to use a well-oiled, medium-heat grill so the fruit cooks evenly without burning or sticking.


一杯西瓜的卡路里低(仅包含47杯),约有20%的维生素C推荐饮食津贴(RDA)。将其烤成大的厚切片,然后用挤压柠檬汁,然后将其食用。或将其剪切并在您的favorite watermelon recipe

尝试一下:When your watermelon is grilled, dice it up and toss it into this西瓜沙拉配羊乳酪和薄荷


尝试一下:做这个grilled chicken, lentil and peach saladfor a quick weeknight dinner.


尝试一下:对于炸玉米饼之夜,选择烤菠萝鸡肉炸玉米饼与鳄梨奶油。If you can, grill a little extra pineapple and use the leftovers in this椰子和菠萝冰沙第二天早上。

No doubt you already know香蕉富含钾,这是液体平衡和健康血压的重要营养素。香蕉也是独特的奶油,使其非常适合甜点。要烧烤,请把果皮放在烤架上,将香蕉扔在烤架上,直到超级柔软。

尝试一下:Thishealthy banana splitcalls for a raw banana, but make yours with a grilled banana and it’ll be even sweeter.



不要让西瓜都有所有的乐趣 - 哈密瓜同样容易烧烤。它也富含β-胡萝卜素,一种已知的抗氧化剂。去除粗糙的皮肤,将瓜切成楔子,然后在所有侧面烤直到出现标记。

尝试一下:切碎烤哈密瓜,并将其用作沙拉加载项。或者,用它制作一个简单的开胃菜prosciutto-wrapped melon with mint and white balsamic vinegar

芒果是一个伟大的甜点之前它the grill. Its natural sugars make it delicious, and its bright orange color makes it pretty enough to serve to guests. Plus, one mediummangohas 5 grams of fiber, 20% of what you need in a day. To grill it, cut it in half lengthwise and remove the pit, but keep the skin on. Grill it cut side-down until grill marks appear, then scoop the flesh out of the skin with a large spoon.

尝试一下:These芒果鸡肉碗make a healthy lunch option any time of year, but they taste even better when you grill the mango.

Whileavocadois typically used in savory dishes, it’s technically a fruit. As well as being rich inheart-healthy unsaturated fats,一小块鳄梨包装9克纤维,每天需要的三分之一以上。要烧烤,请将鳄梨切成两半,然后去除坑,使皮肤保持原状。烧烤皮肤侧面向下,直到出现标记。

尝试一下:给这个香料grilled chicken with tomato avocado salad也通过烧烤鳄梨。

About the Author

克里斯汀·伯恩(Christine Byrne)
克里斯汀·伯恩(Christine Byrne)

克里斯汀(Christine)是一位受过训练的厨师和食谱开发商,最近从纽约市搬到北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆(Durham)。她的职业生涯始于餐厅厨师,然后成为BuzzFeed的食品编辑,后来成为Self的功能编辑。在Twitter上关注她@christinejbyrne并在Instagram上@xtinebyrnefor lots of breakfast photos, outdoorsy things, and really cute videos of her dog, Boss.


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