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一个consistent walking routine可以是一种绝佳的方式get rid of excess belly fatandtone your body。但是,如果您到达了weight-loss plateau,,,,don’t worry. From simply strolling leisurely to omitting strength training, these common walking mistakes can easily be fixed to help youreach your weight-loss goals

以悠闲的步伐行走总比根本没有运动要好,研究表明,以轻快的速度行走是最好的用于烧伤卡路里和减肥。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球如果您觉得很难up the pace,尝试以较短的间隔为1-2分钟,两者之间恢复一分钟。这个HIIT-style workoutcan helprev your metabolismand突破减肥高原

如果您坚持同一条路线,随着时间的流逝,您的身体会适应,并且不会那么具有挑战性。为了增加减肥(并保持激动人心的事情),每周几天改变您的风景。这可能是丘陵小径,,,,the beach, 一个城市远足or even一个新公园。你不仅会觉得精神刷新,,,,but different terrain also engages different muscle groups to burn more calories.

Strength trainingis a key part of weight-loss since it helpsbuild muscle,,,,whichburns more calories at rest compared to fat。不管是with简单的体重运动orusing equipment like kettlebells,,,,strength training can help you build the core, glute and hip strength needed to walk further and faster. It can alsohelp prevent injury,这意味着您会尽快实现目标。

较差的步行技术slows your pace, causing you to tire more quickly, and potentially results in injury. Since this can affect how far and long you are able to walk (or keep you from walking altogether),努力改善您的表格对于减肥至关重要。请注意下一次步行时的以下内容:

  • Stride length:许多步行者过度转移。如果您的步骤太长,您的速度可能会遭受损失,并且关节上会有更多的压力。要检查步伐长度,请抬起一只脚并向前倾斜。脚自然掉落的地方应该在地面上撞击地面。较短的步骤会增加您的节奏,并使步行速度更快。
  • 手臂秋千:Swinging your arms helps you get more power and propels your forward motion
  • 站高:Slouching as you get tired is a common problem when walking. While you might need to加强您的核心to make it happen, work on keeping your back straight and your head up.

一个hard步行锻炼can sometimes make you feel hungrier than normal. While you want to用智能小吃加油,,,,it’s important topay attention to your overall diet,,,,too, to make sure you’re减肥的卡路里赤字万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球。Themyfitnesspalapp是一个好方法跟踪您的食物摄入量并让您有动力达到目标。

Many people use ankle weights to burn more calories and make their workouts more challenging. However, if you prefer this style of workout,adding weights should be done with caution。脚踝和腕部会施加额外的压力在您的下背部,臀部和膝盖,造成肌肉菌株和其他伤害。如果您选择使用踝关节重量,则将其限制为每周不超过一两天。保持轻松的散步,并在持续时间更长的日子里避免使用它们高强度间隔训练。如果您想增加锻炼的强度而不依赖踝关节重量,请尝试hitting the trails,,,,where丘陵和其他具有挑战性的地形can boost your calorie burn and help建立力量

Studies显示直接相关性sedentary behaviorand obesity. Even if you are getting out for a daily walk, it’ll be harder to lose weight if you’re剩下的一天久坐。Setting an alarm reminder to get up and walk for 5 minutes every hour can helpcounteract the negative effects of sitting。Moving more throughout your day will also up your step count, help you lose more weight and有助于整体健康

目标几乎总是一件好事。他们能provide motivation to exercise daily并推动你挑战自己。但是,重要的是要避免习惯性设定不切实际的目标。例如,your goal may be to walk a marathon。But if the event you want to complete is only a month away and you’ve never walked more than a few miles at a time, it’s going to be difficult to ramp up your mileage for a marathon without getting injured. Failing to meet your goal or expectations can lead to disappointment and negative thinking.

Instead,set smaller, more realistic goalsthat lead to a bigger goal. If you want to walk 26.2 miles eventually, your more immediate goal should be towork toward walking a 10Korhalf-marathon第一的。给自己足够的时间准备,并期待一些挫折。一旦实现了一个较小的目标,take the time to celebrate your progress, 一个d then make a new one.


为避免拖延,请设置时间表,并尽力坚持下去。不管是waking up early,,,,午餐时间锻炼or让饭后的习惯,,,,you’ll be more likely to make your daily walk a consistent part of your routine if you set aside a dedicated window of time when you can make it happen. If you miss one day, don’t beat yourself up, simply resume your routine as soon as possible.

至少每周一次,尝试包括更长的步行路程。这可能是周末您有更多时间或早晨的第一件事。你甚至可以包括你的家人(在您所有长途步行中的一部分)以帮助您保持正轨。每周,将距离增加约一英里或15分钟。不仅会步行更长的步伐改善您的耐力,,,,but it will also help you build up to increasingly longer distances and burn more calories in the process.

Originally published May 2019, updated with additional reporting

要变得更加活跃,请尝试设定一个简单的目标,以增加(并跟踪)您的日常步骤。去“Plans” in the MyFitnessPal app并选择28天一步计划学习技巧嘘st your activity.

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