7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss

byJulia Malacoff
7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss

万博彩票下载安卓is one of the top reasons people start an exercise routine. Yet, misconceptions abouthow to work out for weight loss猖ramp。“减肥策略似乎是健康和保健中最令人困惑的方面。”Mike Clancy, a certified strength and conditioning specialist. “It’s not surprising, given the amount of misinformation circulating the internet and social media.”

未来,培训师解释了人们往往会出错的减肥万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球,加上什么真的takes to see results.

7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss

运动有so many health benefits,因此无论您想体重减轻,这都是值得追求的。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球人们常常认为自己可以通过开始新的锻炼程序来减肥 - 而无需结合任何其他更改。不幸的是,对于绝大多数人来说,事实并非如此。

“您必须处于卡路里的赤字中才能减轻体重,没有任何运动可以改变这些热力学定律,”帕克·康迪特(Parker Condit)说Modo Bio。In other words, you must take in less energy (food) than you expend. Exercise can help shift that balance, but it’s not the most effective way. Think of it this way: “Exercising for one hour a day, seven days per week accounts for less than 5% of the total time in a given week,” Condit says. What you do in that other 95% of the time is important, too.

幸运的是,还有许多其他策略可以尝试。“增加非运动活动throughout the day can be very influential, especially in the beginning of someone’s weight-loss journey,” Condit says. “Some examples of these are walking, fidgeting, standing instead of sitting, and just generally moving more throughout the day.” Of course,nutrition plays a major role, 也。

7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss

Sometimes, people worry that if they’re not drenched after a workout, they’ve wasted their time. Good news: “Sweating is merely the body’s way to control body temperature, not an indicator of how many calories or how much fat you’re burning,” saysKatelyn Barrons,经过认证的私人教练。“如果您的健身房将空调保持在高处,那么您仍然在温暖的健身房中燃烧的卡路里。”

What’s more, slower-paced workouts that don’t necessarily leave you dripping sweat, like上坡在跑步机上或lifting weights,仍然是燃烧卡路里,保持新陈代谢的关键,并帮助您的身体挂在瘦肌肉上。

7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss

“有些人很快得出结论,如果他们在锻炼后不感到酸痛,他们没有做出任何改进,只是浪费了时间,”本·沃克(Ben Walker)Anywhere Fitness。换句话说,人们赞成“没有痛苦,没有收获”的想法。这可能源于误解肌肉酸痛意味着您燃烧了脂肪。

In reality, whether or not you feel sore after a workout has to do with how your muscles adapt to being challenged in new ways, Walker explains. Anytime you try a new exercise or increase the weight or resistance you use with an exercise, you’re likely to feel sore afterward.

但是,随着您的身体适应您的日常工作,您会发现自己的疼痛频率较小。这表明您的肌肉可以处理更多的工作,但这并不意味着您没有获得所做锻炼的好处。我们知道变得更强大的最好方法是增加您的锻炼的难度,这一原则称为progressive overload。但这并不一定意味着每次使锻炼更加努力或应该将酸痛用作锻炼的效果时,您都会感到痛苦。另外,一直以来都会使锻炼变得更加吸引人,这可能会使您摆脱计划中的锻炼时间表。

The bottom line? “Focus on increasing the workload and not the pain, and you will achieve your weight-loss goals,” Walker advises.

7 Outdated Myths About Exercising For Weight Loss

If you’ve ever been tempted to “work off” a big meal, you’re not alone. But, according to Clancy, this strategy is both unhelpful and ineffective. “A typical, intense, 1-hour workout burns 300–500 calories,” Clancy says. “We all know it’s very easy to consume well over 500 calories in an indulgence.” But even more important: “It’s exhausting to constantly try to offset our splurges with grueling exercise.” Instead, it’s better to享受您的放纵, then move on — a strategy that’ll help you maintain a healthy relationship with exercise.

令人惊讶的是,当目标是减肥时,更多的运动并不总是更好。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球“你的身体需要rest to recover,所以如果你不断打破你的音乐les, you are never giving them time to repair,” explains Rebecca Louise, a mindset and fitness coach and author of “它需要毅力。”“As your muscles repair, they get stronger, which means more muscle mass and therefore more calories burned daily.”

而且,太多的运动可能导致过度训练,这可能会使体重减轻更加困难。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球“当感觉压力时,我们的身体会产生一种称为皮质醇的激素。”Jennifer Nagel, an online coach and certified personal trainer. “You probably know it better as your飞行或战斗响应。For the most part, it’s a good thing. If you’re outrunning zombies or a bear is attacking you, your body responds so that you can react quickly.”

但是太多的运动会导致过量的皮质醇产生, which, in turn, causes you to eat more and sleep less, sinking your weight-loss efforts, Nagel explains. Her advice: ‘Make sure you incorporate1–2 rest days each weekto give your body a chance to recover.”

“很多人认为,因为在45分钟的有氧运动中燃烧更多的卡路里,而不是在45分钟的举重课程中,他们应该继续进行有氧运动,因为这会给他们带来最大的卡路里燃烧,” Drew Manning说,私人教练和创始人fit2fat2fit。“What they’re not factoring in, though, isEPOC(运动后消耗过多),这是运动完成后继续燃烧卡路里的概念。”

Not only does lifting weights build muscle and help you retain it as you lose fat, but it helps you continue to burn calories long after your workouts are over, Manning says. “I’m not saying to throw cardio out the window, but don’t forget to get those lifting sessions in as well.”

如果您曾经仰过腹部脂肪,那么您就会成为这个神话的猎物。事实是,你无法发现脂肪in any area of your body. “The more active muscle tissues we have in our body at one time, the more we burn fat,” Walker says. “That’s why it’s very important to train your whole body and not one specific muscle group where you want to target weight loss. For example, if you were to do 100 crunches a day, you’ll see improvements in definition, but nothing in comparison to the person who designs a fitness program that combines fat-burning exercises along with a shorter, more effective session fortargeting the abdominal muscles。”

Check out“Workout Routines”在MyFitnessPal应用程序中,可以发现和记录锻炼,或通过适合您目标的锻炼来构建自己的锻炼。


Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。



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