
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
by伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
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For example, following a certain kind of diet might be useful if it changes a junk food habit, or a specific exercise program can get you on track toward implementing more activity into your schedule.



Particularly after holidays spent feasting and indulging, a “detox” may sound tempting, and detox diets have definitely been the rage in 2017. But they’re likely to sputter in the year ahead, believes fitness and nutrition expert Dan DeFigio, author of “Beating Sugar Addiction for Dummies

“A typical detox diet or cleanse assumes you’ll wake up on your ‘start day’ and completely change your habits all at once,” he says. “But humans are creatures of habit. Your behavior is not designed for drastic, immediate changes.”


Verdict: Consider

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is super hot right now, but it’s really becoming more of a fitness staple than a trend, believes holistic nutritionist and fitness trainer Miriam Amselem. Because it relies on short bursts of intense exercise, followed by brief recovery periods, it’s possible to get a major workout in half an hour — and an emphasis on combining cardio and strength can provide weight-loss benefits as well.

“ HIIT在这里留下来,” Amselem说。“它可以在短时间内提高新陈代谢并燃烧大量卡路里,研究表明,即使15分钟也是有益的。由于人们的时间如此短,有办法建立耐力,增加心血管健康并燃烧脂肪而不在健身房花费数小时是很大的优势。”

Verdict: Consider

尽管排毒饮食可能正在溅射,但intermittent fasting营养学家和私人教练杰米·洛吉(Jamie Logie)说,“夺回健康”的作者说。该技术通常仅在8-10小时的窗口内进食,然后禁食14-16小时(包括您睡觉时)。

“Some people are adopting this as ‘time-restricted eating’ and seeing positive health benefits such as improved glucose tolerance, improved hormone levels, decreased body fat and increased muscle mass,” he says. “I think this is a trend that will continue to grow.”


“Many of its supposed ‘risks’ have been largely myths,” he says. “There is no evidence that it slows metabolism or burns muscle. In fact, it has been used for millennia without difficulty.”

Verdict: Consider

Mindfulness is mainstream now, with meditation apps and corporate wellness programs that incorporate mindful practices into everyday life. So, it makes sense it would become part of fitness and nutrition as well.

Intuitive eating is likely to gain traction in the year ahead as people shift away from dieting, believes registered dietitian Carolina Guizar. With this approach, no food is off-limits, you’re just encouraged to tune into hunger and satiety cues as well as how food choices make you feel physically.


如果您真的收看身体的渴望,那么90%的时间与减肥相关的是健康的食物,”她说。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球“而且,如果您听自己的饱腹感,即使是Mac n Cheese,暴饮暴食的可能性也很低。”


开发是一种改善癫痫儿童癫痫发作管理的方式,ketogenic dietis a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carb way of eating that puts the body into ketosis, where fat is burned for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

几年前,Keto确实成为主流,在过去的一年中一直更加突出,尤其是当人们通过这种方式饮食迅速减肥时。但是一个主要的缺点是,它会感到非常限制。此外,根据认证的力量和调理专家Mike Clancy,像古杂志一样,当您专注于能量浓密的脂肪时,卡路里的数量可能会缩小。这并不能使Keto无法遵循,这只需要随着时间的流逝而挑战的勤奋。


Verdict: Consider, with modifications

在这一点上,古饮食- 有些人喜欢说“生活方式”,因为它也指提高您的活动水平 - 相当根深蒂固地像主流一样根深蒂固,并且经常被吹捧以减轻体重。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球这是有道理的,因为它强调全食,优质的动物蛋白和健康脂肪。

But it’s also come under fire for stalling weight-loss efforts if used incorrectly. For example, if someone eats an abundance of nuts, seeds and avocados — which is easily done through having Paleo “baked goods” that rely on nut flours — then calorie density may go way up.

“我注意到许多人一开始就在古饮食上做得很好,甚至可能在第一年就蓬勃发展,”营养治疗从业者兼创始人凯瑟琳·克劳(Catherine Crow)说Butter Nutrition。“那么事情可能会开始崩溃。您可能会增加食物的渴望,血糖处理问题,并增加食物过敏或敏感性。并非每个人都这样,但我看到它的频率更高。”

Paleo is still on trend, but many people are going “Paleo-ish” or modifying their approach to include non-Paleo foods like dairy or some grains. Look for more of this type of hybrid thinking in the year ahead, Crow says.

Verdict: Consider

私人教练,减肥教练和举重运动员罗伯特·赫布斯特(Robert Herbst)说,从数小时的有氧运动转变为重量基于力量的训练,这是一个很可能继续前进的运动。


In general, trends come and go, but what sticks around tends to be whatever provides results in a way that feels meaningful to you. Just ask the people still doing Jazzercise, Jane Fonda workouts and ab-roller exercises.



伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)




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