
Nicole Pajer
byNicole Pajer
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十三年前特勤处特工,产品Poumpouras learned the importance of being ready for anything. The one thing that prepared her for her past life of protecting the likes of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush was training outdoors — in all sorts of unpredictable conditions. The security expert got her first taste of exercising in nature when she entered the New York City Police Academy early in her career. After realizing how much she could accomplish on a patch of grass and taking note of the mental acuity gained by working through obstacles like rain, frigid weather and heat, the athlete was instantly hooked.

如今,Poumpouras已从Secret Agent Life退休,并将自己的时间在桌子后面度过,担任NBC,MSNBC,CNN和HLN等网络的播出空中国家安全通讯员。但这并没有使她在室内进行锻炼。健身爱好者每周五天训练,但她的所有力量和有氧运动仍在外面。

MyFitnessPal caught up with Poumpouras to discuss her tips for making outdoor workouts in inclement weather more bearable, her go-to, do-anywhere fitness maneuvers and why it’s important to train your mind just as hard as you train your body.


Poumpouras:When training outside, you really have no control over what happens around you. Mother Nature has an amazing way of making you pay attention to the little things that are normally overlooked in the gym. A change in the wind’s direction and sudden thunderstorm can turn your easy 5K into a rain-soaked obstacle course full of puddles and fallen tree limbs. The track you always run on may be closed, the weather may suddenly change for the worse or you may find that secluded section of the beach where you train is packed with weekenders. Being forced to switch to a Plan B fitness routine teaches you how to adapt in other unexpected situations in your life as well. Although you can’t control the world, you can control how you react to it.

Q: What are some tips for prepping to exercise in harsh outdoor conditions?


Another important tip is to just make it fun. When you’re training outside, try to see everything as a training tool — a tree limb becomes your pullup bar and a park bench your stair stepper. There are no rules.


Poumpouras:Because my job as a Secret Service special agent required me to be moving on my feet constantly, I learned the importance of designing a fitness routine that incorporated a mixture of everything, like running a 5K then doing several rounds ofburpees,pushupspullups. This way, I feel like I’m physically ready for whatever comes my way, not just a good long-distance runner or fast sprinter.

Here are two favorites:


I like to do these in a ladder set from 10–1. For example, I start by doing 10 repetitions of burpees, then rest for 30–60 seconds, then do 9 repetitions, then rest, 8 reps and so forth all the way to 1 repetition. When you’re all done, you’ve completed 55 burpees.

2. 5 x 5 Sprints:您只需要一个小跑步房间,最好是在草地上。该锻炼包括进行5次练习进行5次重复,然后进行冲刺。我首先要做5次burpees,然后立即进行5个俯卧撑,每条腿5个弓步,5个下蹲和5个仰卧起坐。仰卧起坐后,我站起来,尽可能快地冲刺大约50码。然后,我回去重新开始。我这样做了5次。为了使这项锻炼更加努力,我通常会将重复的数量从5增加到10,或者整个重量背心。

The best part about these workouts is it only takes you to do them. There’s no fancy gym equipment needed, just some space and a bit of willpower. The best way to start is to just do one rep. That’s it. Once you can do one rep, then do another. You can gauge how good you feel and stop when you need to.

Q: How do you motivate yourself to work out?

Poumpouras:Although it’s important to listen to your body, “not feeling it” is usually a state of mind. When that happens, I do three things: 1) I remind myself it’s just as easy to do the workout than not do it; 2) I put on my favorite workout playlist and 3) I tell myself if after 5 minutes, I’m still not feeling it, then I’ll stop and walk home (which never happens). Interestingly enough, I’ve often found that my best workouts come on the days when I wasn’t feeling it.


Poumpouras:If I’ve had a bad workout, I first ask “why?” Was I mentally distracted, was my diet way off from the night before or was I simply not in the mood? Any one of these things can wreak havoc on a good workout and cause you to go into a mental tailspin. The most important thing to remember is fitness is a life-long commitment filled with ups and downs. To use the forest from the tree analogy, you have to look at the whole gym, not just the treadmill in front of you. Remember, the most important thing is to stay consistent. By doing something physical nearly everyday, over the years, that effort will definitely add up in the win column.


Poumpouras:在我担任特工的几年中,我发现体力和精神力量相互联系。在训练中很多次,我们被身体逼迫到我们的身体想在我们的思想之前戒烟的地步。在这些情况下,您会开始看到一些最适合身体的人退出 - 他们还没有足够的精神来努力解决痛苦。当您可以在脑海中安静下来告诉您停止的声音时,您可以在身体上做得比以往任何时候都更能完成。



Nicole Pajer
Nicole Pajer

Nicole是在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶生活,工作和锻炼的自由作家和健康倡导者。她发表在《纽约时报》,《女人节》,《男子日报》,《半球》,男子健身和游行中。您可以从中阅读更多Nicoleat herwebsite, or follow her on推特在 @nicolepajer.



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