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High blood pressure is the number one killer in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). As the risks of encountering a heart attack or stroke are infinitely higher for people who have high blood pressure, it is imperative that we get these levels under control. Seventy percent of people who have their first heart attack suffer from high blood pressure and 80% of people who encounter their first stroke suffer from high blood pressure. Not only is high blood pressure dangerous, it is also incredibly costly. In fact, high blood pressure costs the nation每年460亿美元


Did you know that 35.8 million people in the U.S. suffer from hypertension (or high blood pressure)? Of this 35.8 million, 14.1 million people are unaware of their conditions, but 5.7 million people are aware that they have high blood pressure, but theircondition goes untreated。剩下的1600万人知道他们的高血压,目前正在寻求治疗以达到正常的血压水平。


As medical technologies become more readily available outside of doctors’ offices, tracking blood pressure levels at home is becoming more common. In fact, individuals with hypertension are shown to be more in control of their disease when they practice self-measurement of blood pressure (SMBP) than with medication alone.

根据美国医学集团基金会主席杰里·彭索(Jerry Penso)医学博士杰里·彭索(Jerry Penso)的说法,他会在自己的护理中(无论是进出办公室),在血压管理方面有很大的不同。远程患者监测可能是帮助患者管理血压水平的组成部分。对于某些患者,血压读数在医生办公室时可能会更高(有时称为“白色外套综合症”)。这可能会提供不准确的结果,并可能导致患者的危险结果。远程患者监测可以通过为医生提供更大,更具代表性的血压测量值来帮助对抗这种综合症。

Withings进行了study测试让人们参加血压监测计划的影响。从研究中,我们得出了:该程序的作用是将参与者的收缩压(心脏跳动时动脉的压力)降低6 mmHg,舒张压(心脏跳动之间的动脉压力)降低了2 mmHg。我们还看到,降低5 mmHg会使心脏病发作的死亡率降低14%,心脏病死亡率降低了9%。

除了定期测量血压外,跟踪和改善身体活动水平还可以帮助对抗高血压。谁估计,可以避免定期体育锻炼可以避免27%的糖尿病病例和与高血压有关的所有冠状动脉疾病的30%。对照试验显示,定期运动至少8周的高血压个体中5 mmHg收缩压降低。

There’s also a high correlation between weight loss and lowering blood pressure. Users in the Withings study who lost 22 pounds or more over the period of a year also lowered their systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 3 mmHg.

The first step in preventing or lowering high blood pressure: understanding the issue. Nearly half of patients with hypertension are unaware that they suffer from this condition. Thus, it is imperative to monitor your vital signs regularly, and take control of your own health metrics. The second, and more complicated, step is inciting behavior change. Here are some quick ways to incorporate heart-healthy habits into your everyday life:

  1. 目标10,000 stepsa day.在午餐时间或晚餐后散步小。要获得额外的动力,请找到步行伙伴,因为您更有可能与您身边的人养成运动习惯。在您的一天中找到额外的时间似乎具有挑战性,尤其是如果您经常被束缚在工作中时。形成新习惯的前几天最难的是,但是第二周和第三周会开始更自然。您甚至可能会激发您周围的其他人积极。
  2. Set a goal, and monitor your progress.Whether it’s a weight-loss goal or training for yourfirst 5K,我们经常受到特定目标而不是崇高的愿望的动机。注册您一直在谈论的10K,并设置一个每周的步行程序以使自己成形。研究表明,每天平均步行2,000个步骤,并记录其血压下降3.8 mmMHg的人。
  3. Set reminders in your smartphoneor daily planner to take your blood pressure regularly. The numbers you record may surprise you, and it’s best to catch high blood pressure at its onset. Sixty-two percent of Withings users changed their daily habits once they started monitoring health metrics.
  4. 中午的低迷has a way of making us crave a third cup of coffeeor a temporarily feel-good snack. We don’t expect you to forgo once-in-a-while treats, but we hope to help you放纵更聪明
  5. 每天晚上,每晚睡7-8个小时。When you’re asleep, your heart rate drops allowing your body to rest up from working hard all day long. If you’re notgetting enough sleep, your heart will be overworked which could lead to high blood pressure or other heart diseases.
  6. Limit yourstress水平。我们都度过了糟糕的日子,但是要花时间放松很重要。尝试每天冥想五分钟,挤在yoga阶级或日记积极思想。

High blood pressure can be cured once identified. Start measuring your vital signs today and take control of your health.



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