Is Fructose as Bad as You’ve Heard?

Trinh Le, MPH, RD
byTrinh Le, MPH, RD
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Is Fructose as Bad as You’ve Heard?

Drinking sugary beverages plausibly increases your risk for weight gain because:

  • 高糖含量可提供大量的空卡路里
  • 喝含糖饮料后,您不会感到饱满
  • You don’t eat fewer calories to make up for the calories you drink


What the Science Says

Large population-based studies currently link sugary beverages to weight gain. The problem with these studies is that scientists can’t isolate the effects of glucose and fructose since they don’t have the resources to standardize the diets of thousands of participants. To drill down on the effects of fructose versus glucose, scientists collected detailed data from 24 healthy adult participants.

在这一点study, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) scientists randomly assigned participants a 10-ounce liquid containing either 2 ounces of fructose or glucose. Data was collected before and after participants sipped their sweet drink. The volunteers served as their own control. How? They came back on later days to receive the drink they didn’t receive the first time around; for example, if they’d received fructose the first time, they received glucose the second time. To be consistent, the volunteers had to fast both times before ingesting the sugar drinks, as well as keep their diets and exercise routines the same.

Sugary Findings


  • Participants’ brains responded more readily to food picturesafter drinking fructose compared to glucose. This showed up as greater visual cortex activity in the participant’s’ brain MRI scans. This is interesting because it suggests that participants may be more motivated to eat after a dose of fructose.
  • Fructose drinkers were more likely to choose foodover a delayed money reward compared to glucose drinkers. This is interesting because it implies that after drinking fructose (versus glucose) we can subconsciously pick immediately calorie-gratifying choices over long term benefits.
  • Blood insulin levels and blood sugar were higher in glucose drinkersthan fructose drinkers. We’re always talking about preventing sugar highs, sugar lows and insulin surges, so this is good news for fructose, right? Not necessarily. Two factors that help our bodies feel more satiated after eating is having moderately higher insulin and blood sugar levels—though moderation is key. Fructose doesn’t appear to help with satiety, likely due to the way it ismetabolized.

What’s the Takeaway?

虽然了解果糖和葡萄糖对我们的影响有何不同,但我们很少孤立地吃果糖和葡萄糖。相反,我们大多数人都通过桌糖(及其任何一个44 cousins), which is 50% fructose and 50% glucose. It’s clear pure fructose isn’t good for you health-wise. The best way to reduce your intake of fructose is toeat less added sugar.

对于那些对从饮食中削减糖分的人来说,这是公共服务公告的好时机 - 代表新鲜水果。

Fruit does contain fructose, but the amounts are relatively low. Plus, fruit contains plenty of fiber to slow down fructose absorption. Additionally, fruit is a natural source for valuable antioxidants, phytochemicals and vitamins like C, A, folate and so forth. In healthy people, eating fruits and vegetables is shown to lower your risk for心脏疾病,diabetes,癌症和so much more. It’s the one piece of diet advice you can always count on!

About the Author

Trinh Le, MPH, RD
Trinh Le, MPH, RD
特林(Trinh)是白天的注册营养师,博客作者Fearless Food RD晚上。她喜欢帮助人们与食物建立更好的关系,其中包括大量烹饪,饮食和学习营养。当她没有拍摄(主要是)健康食品的令人垂涎的镜头时,您可以在她当地的健身房找到Trinh Hiit-hiit。有关更多信息,请与她联系Facebook,InstagramPinterest.



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