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Just because you’re new to fitness doesn’t mean高强度间隔训练不适合你。否则所谓的HIIT,这些快节奏的锻炼已经显示出在短时间内卷曲大量的卡路里 - 因此您不需要在健身房享受时间。这种类型的培训将在最大努力的时期交替(思考:20秒的跳跃杰克)和短期恢复。



To kick off your journey without a hitch, we’ve tapped Justin Rubin, trainer forDailyburn真正的初学者program, to create three workouts, ranging from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Each one has easy-to-master moves, made just for you. All you need is water, a chair and a yoga mat.

Dailyburn:How to Get Over Your Fear of the Gym, For Good

Before each workout, start with this dynamic, two-minute warm-up to get your muscles ready to go.

  1. Jog or march in place for 30 seconds.
  2. 然后,倒退和圈出你的手臂,一个接一个(好像你假装做仰泳)30秒。
  3. Finally, perform a front lunge, side lunge and back lunge, stepping with the same leg, then switch to the other leg and repeat. Continue for one minute.

Now, get ready to HIIT it!

10-Minute HIIT Workout



Work up a sweat in less than the time it would take you to drive toyour gymwith this simple routine. Best of all, you don’t need any equipment to jump right in.

Dailyburn:8 Minutes to a Better Butt with Trainer Brett Hoebel


有关更详细的说明,请尝试Cardio Kickboxing 1和2Dailyburn真正的初学者program.


跳跃杰克:Start by standing upright with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Jump your feet out while raising your arms. Repeat as fast as possible. If a regular jumping jack is too difficult, step side to side while raising your arms instead.

Sumo squats:Position your feet a little more than hip-width apart and point your toes out at a 45-degree angle. Keeping your weight in your heels, back flat and chest upright, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Engage your glutes and quads, and push back to the start position. Repeat.

Cool down with an overhead stretch, reverse lunge and forward fold.

20-Minute MetCon: HIIT Workout



Metabolic conditioningis designed to maximize your caloric burn, so you should expect this workout to feel challenging. You’ll go through five exercises that focus on full-body, multi-joint movements. Try to do as many reps as possible during each 45-second interval, then rest for 15 seconds before repeating.

Push-ups:If you can’t complete atraditional push-up, place your hands on a stable chair or plyo box instead of the floor. Or, try doing push-ups with your knees resting on the ground.

蹲下:For extra assistance, use a chair for added support. Remember to keep your feet under your hips and your bodyweight in your heels, says Justin.

Butt kicks:Jog or walk in place, kicking your right heel up to touch your bottom. Repeat with the left leg.

TRICEP DIPS:将手放在椅子或低桌子上,背向椅子。在平衡你的手掌时直接放下双腿。从您的肘部弯曲,尽可能地降低,然后按到原始位置。搞核心!

Side lunges:With your bodyweight in your heels and your toes facing forward, step to the left in a deep lateral lunge, keeping your knee above your toes. Alternate legs.


30-Minute METCON: HIIT Workout

30-minute HIIT workout


Got half an hour? Try this longer workout to challenge你的核心, upper and lower body. (Fun fact: This will burn more calories than 30 minutes spent walking on the treadmill!) Complete the same three-minute warm-up as in the previous workout, then get ready to move it, move it.

For exercise descriptions, see above.


—By Alex Orlov forDailyburn的生活

About the Author


Dailyburn的生活is dedicated to helping you live a healthier, happier and more active lifestyle. Whether your goal is tolose weight,build strength要么de-stress, a better you is well within reach. Get more health and fitness tips atDailyburn的生活.



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