5-Pose Yoga Fix: Stretches for Cyclists

Kelly DiNardo
byKelly DiNardo
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5-Pose Yoga Fix: Stretches for Cyclists

骑自行车是一项伟大的运动,可以带来许多好处 - 从交叉训练到卡路里燃烧到使您的位置 - 但是长时间握住该位置可以使脖子缠绕,缩短脊椎并拧紧背部和臀部。最重要的是,上半身往往会在骑自行车的人中发育不足,这会导致身体更强的部分捡起松弛。这通常会导致肌肉失衡和过度损害。



Cat and cow pose go together like peanut butter and jelly. Cat stretches the back and strengthens the abdominals, while cow opens the chest and strengthens the back. Together, they bring mobility and flexibility to the spine and relieve back and neck tension.

The move:Start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees so that your palms press into the ground and your knees rest under your hips. Make sure your wrists, elbows and shoulders form one straight line and your knees and hips form another.

As you exhale, press into the ground with your hands and round your back like an angry cat. Gently bring your chin toward your chest to activate your abdominals, pulling your navel toward your spine.

On your inhale, come into cow by arching your back in the opposite direction. Broaden your chest and lift your tailbone to the sky so your belly sinks toward the floor.

Hold each pose for several breaths or find a gentle flow between the two so that with each exhale you round into cat and with each inhale you open into cow.



The move:Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Slide your palms forward so they rest in front of your shoulders, and tuck your toes under. As you exhale, press your palms into the ground and lift your knees off the ground, straightening your arms and legs. Your body will form a wide, upside-down V shape.

Push your thighs back, pressing your heels toward the floor, but don’t worry if they don’t touch. Broaden your shoulders by rotating your arms slightly so your elbow creases face the sky. Relax your neck, and take 5–10 breaths here.



The move:用手腕直接在肩膀下方开始膝盖。接合腹部,塞满脚趾,然后退脚。继续收缩腹部,这样您就可以从头部到高跟鞋创建一条长线,避免将屁股伸向空中或掉下腹部。在手指前稍微看一下,以保持颈部长。保持5-10次呼吸。


This stretches the hamstrings, releases the low back and opens the chest and shoulders. Use a strap or towel to make the shoulder opener more accessible.

The move:Face the long edge of your mat with your feet 3–4 feet apart. Turn your toes in slightly and engage the thighs. Bring your hands to your hips and, as you exhale, lean your torso forward until it is parallel to the floor. Lengthen through the entire torso and on your next exhale fold completely. Focus on hinging from the hips so you stretch the hamstrings without compromising the back. Take the arms behind your back, interlace the fingers and let your arms fall toward the floor. Let your head be relaxed and heavy. Relax your eyes and hold here for 5–10 breaths.

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The move:Sit on the floor or the edge of a blanket with your legs extended. Cross your right leg over your left so your right knee points to the ceiling and your right foot sits outside your left knee. You can keep your left leg straight with your foot flexed or bend your left leg so that your left foot rests near your right hip. Try to keep both sits bones on the ground.



Kelly DiNardo
Kelly DiNardo

Kelly is a journalist, author, runner, yogi, skier, globetrotter and dog-lover. She has been teaching yoga since 2002 and is the owner of Past Tense, a Washington, D.C. yoga studio where her team reminds her how much fun it is to be a little twisted and encourages an upside-down approach to life. She is the author of “Gilded Lili: Lili St. Cyr and the Striptease Mystique” and “Living the Sutras: A Guide to Yoga Wisdom beyond the Mat.”



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