7 Motivating Walking Mantras

Lisa Fields
byLisa Fields
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7 Motivating Walking Mantras

If you’re trying to begin, maintain or intensify awalking routine, adopting a meaningful mantra may inspire you to reach your goals. “Mantrasare more than just positive words, they are imprints,” says Lisa Yee, a San Diego-based certified personal trainer. “Think of it as tattooing something powerful on your soul.”

Effective mantras inspire you withpositive languageand selectively chosen words. Brevity is key: A mantra communicates one idea and is easy to repeat. “The best mantras are short and evoke a visceral reaction,” says Robert Herbst, a former pro powerlifter. “They should make you think about logical conclusions for why you are doing something.”

好咒语也有诗意的感觉。“保持单词轻巧和有节奏,因此他们在移动中很容易重复,”奥斯丁的私人教练Karen Shopoff Rooff说。尝试避免听起来有判断力的语言。“像'我不想再变得沉重'这样的咒语,甚至'我今天必须走5英里',”迈阿密认证的私人教练埃迪·约翰逊(Eddie Johnson)说。“那不是激励性的;这令人沮丧。”

Here, seven mantras to try to encourage and supportpositive walking habits:

Inspire yourself to get moving by focusing on the smallest increment you’ll need to complete. “Sometimes we are overwhelmed with开始健康的生活方式,如果我们提醒自己迈出第一步,这可能使它看起来有些吓人。“一旦您摆脱了已经建立动力的第一步。”

You can will yourself into action with this catchy phrase, which refers not only to the forward walking motion, but also to your progress toward a healthier you. “If you feel yourself becoming stagnant, use this mantra as a way topush yourself to the next level,” says Caleb Backe, a New Jersey-based certified personal trainer. “Everybody runs the risk ofreaching a plateau, but not everyone is able to overcome it, and this mantra puts you in the right mindset to do so.”

对于某些人来说,有节奏的,两个字的咒语是最容易记住的,足够简洁,可以经常重复,有效地导致行为改变。Sys Herbst:“诸如'开始'或'坚强'或'快速行走'之类的事情……使您采取某种方式,然后结果变得不可避免。”“如果有人在举报,我可能会让他们说'这很容易'或'继续前进'或'你可以'。对于某人推动自己,他们可以说,'快速'或'新最好'。

如果另外的形容词打电话给您 - “我很健康,“我很活跃”,甚至“我变得坚强”是可以的。重复一个关于自己的鼓舞人心万博彩票下载苹果的短语可能很强大。它可以重新构想您对锻炼或自己的态度的想法。

“It starts toshift the identity we have created for ourselves, from ‘I am lazy and cannot do anything right,’ to ‘I am capable and worthy of this transformation,’” says Odelia Silva, an Austin-based nutrition and fitness coach.

This mantra’s visuals should help inspire you tomaintain good form. “It helps you remember to keep the abdominals engaged and chest lifted,” says Shopoff Rooff. “As surprising as it may sound, a lot of people new to exercise are afraid they’re going to walk incorrectly. By using a mantra that focuses on walking form, it’s a continual reminder that you’re doing it right.”

“Why are you walking?” is an important question to ask yourself, says Helen Ryan, a California-based personal trainer. “For your health. For yourself. To take back control of your life and body are all great answers.” Having a mantra that helps you feel empowered and good about yourself gives you a reason to keep it up, she adds. It’s also a reminder thatwalking is self-care.

当您尝试make walking a habit, it can be helpful to remind yourself walking is natural and easy to do. “You can argue whether or not we were designed to lift dumbbells and barbells, but with walking, there is no debate,” says Dr. Alex Robles, a New York City-based physician and fitness expert.

This mantra might also inspire you to get moving if you’ve beensitting at your desk all day. “Don’t let a single day go by withoutgetting at least 5,000 steps,” says Robles. “Let your body do what it was designed to do.”

About the Author

Lisa Fields
Lisa Fields

Lisa Fields is a full-time freelance writer who specializes in health, nutrition, fitness and psychology topics. Her work has been published in Reader’s Digest, WebMD, Women’s Health, Shape, Self and many other publications. A former lifeguard, Lisa swims regularly to stay in shape.You can read more of her work athttp://www.writtenbylisafields.com/.



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