遏制糖摄入量的5个理由 - 超越空卡路里

by伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)
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遏制糖摄入量的5个理由 - 超越空卡路里

当涉及体重管理时refined sugar in all its forms- 高果糖玉米糖浆,葡萄糖,米粉,蔗糖和其他许多人,无疑是被淘汰饮食清单的最佳物品之一。

Harvard University’s School of Public Healthsuggests为了达到健康的体重,您应该限制“低品质的食物”,包括糖粉饮料,精制糖和高度加工的零食。

But your waistline isn’t the only thing affected by excess sugar consumption. Overindulgence on the sweet stuff can affect you in some other surprising ways:



根据国家睡眠基金会的说法,餐后甜点是获得可怕睡眠的好方法。实际上,the organization notes,白天吃的糖越多,晚上您就会醒来的可能性越大。

That’s because sugar lowers the activity of orexin cells, a neuropeptide that regulates how wakeful you are. More bad news: These cells also help control appetite, so if they’re feeling off-kilter, you’re more likely to eat more.



When it comes to aneffective immune system response— the kind you need to be on high alert during cold and flu season — sugar could be defeating your white-blood-cell army.

When you eat a big dose of sugar at once, like a soda or a candy bar, you temporarily suppress your immune system’s ability to respond to invaders, according to certified nutrition specialist Monica Reinagel of营养Diva. If that happens occasionally, it may be no big deal, but since the effect lasts for a few hours, you may be sabotaging your immune system on a consistent basis if you eat sugary food regularly.



糖的体重目标可能很艰难,但您的内心更加艰难。一项重大研究published in JAMA Internal Medicinesuggested a sugar-packed diet may raise your risk of dying of heart disease, even if you aren’t overweight.




Although much is made of the mind-body connection when it comes to health and wellness, less attention has been put on the情绪食品链接. But it’s a strong one, and sugar can be especially notorious for causing emotional fluctuations, including anxiety, frustration and even depression, according to Dr. Elson Haas, author of “Staying Healthy With Nutrition.”

He notes that refined sugar has been shown to deplete important nutrients, such as protein, vitamin B, zinc, chromium and manganese.




Refined sugar, as well as other high-glycemic foods, raises insulin levels in the body and that increases inflammation. When that happens, the inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, the structural “building blocks” of your skin, notes dermatologist Nissan Pilest, MD, of California-based Total Dermatology.

“Digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation,” he says. “That results in sagging skin and wrinkles. Glycation can also exacerbate skin conditions like acne and rosacea.”

Plus, the more sugar you eat, the more likely it is you’ll develop insulin resistance, he adds. That can lead to excess hair growth on the skin, as well as dark patches on the neck and other areas.



相反,专注于mindful eatingand awareness — in other words, she advises, make a sugary treat into exactly that, so it’s a sometime occasion and not a regular habit. Start by eating your next sugary snack very slowly, and notice how it smells as well as tastes. You don’t need to become a mealtime snail, but doing this a few times can help you “reset” when it comes to sugar, Rissetto says.

“This exercise helps teach you that you crave much less sugar than you probably think,” she says. “Being more mindful when you eat, especially when it comes to sugar, can keep you off autopilot and change your eating habits.”

About the Author

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)




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