

10.Simple Clean Eating Swaps

经过Elle Penner,MPH,RD
10.Simple Clean Eating Swaps

当谈到更好的时候,一个简单的一个开始的地方就是削减你已经松了了高度加工的食物量。你是在追求饮食的想法吗?Well, you can officially relax, because replacing a few go-to convenience foods (“potato” chips in a cardboard tube, we’re looking at you!) with simple, homemade alternatives every so often is a way to do this with less freak-out potential. If you’re looking for some ideas, here are 10 nonintimidating real-food swaps for some common convenience foods to help you get started:


2.而不是冷冻或快餐早餐三明治,whip up some of these简单的蛋三明治。商店购买的种类用防腐剂,氢化油,加入糖,谁知道了。如果您喜欢方便的因素,请拨打双批次并冻结剩余的早餐。


4.而不是100卡路里的饼干包,enjoy two satisfyingoatmeal chocolate chip breakfast cookiesinstead. All you need are ripe bananas, old-fashioned oats and some chocolate chips. Make a batch, and portion into plastic bags to satisfy your sweet tooth at work all week long.

5. Instead of cheesy-flavored chips,opt for cheesy popcorn. If your favorite chips come with a long list of ingredients, consider switching to good ol’ stove-popped popcorn which is packed with antioxidants and fiber. Pop kernels in a little high-heat oil (i.e., canola, avocado or grape seed) over medium-high heat and season to taste with salt, pepper and shredded Parmesan cheese, or shake on your spice blend of choice. Divide the batch into several single-serving bags for a healthy, portable snack.

If you need a chip fix in a pinch, choose a bag with a short ingredient list, avoiding varieties with hydrogenated oils and artificial flavors.

6.而不是耐嚼的格兰诺拉麦片,make these easy,no-bake granola bars。The mix of dates and seeds gives these bars more than double the amount of fiber in most store-bought brands, and with far fewer ingredients.

7.而不是果汁,eat the actual fruit (and drink water instead)! Yes, even if you’re drinking homemade, organic 100% juice. The downfall to fruit juice is that most have little to no fiber, which is separated in the extraction process. This essentially leaves you with a glass of concentrated sugars plus whatever vitamins are not destroyed from processing. Eating fruit rather than drinking it will provide more fiber and those important vitamins and minerals for far fewer calories. Many whole fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, pears and kiwi are perfectly portion-size and portable.

8.而不是Jarred Tomato Cauce,make a simpleMarinara 10分钟。为了更加灌装和营养丰富的酱汁,折腾你藏在冰箱里的任何蔬菜。切片洋葱,甜椒,蘑菇,西葫芦和夏季南瓜快。当蔬菜温柔时,你的酱汁就完成了。大多数巨大的番茄酱含有令人惊讶的加入糖量,有些甚至有防腐剂。

9.而不是人造黄油,使用植物性食用油炒。植物油s are the main ingredient in most margarines but are usually accompanied by preservatives, artificial flavors and not-so-natural thickeners and emulsifiers. You’re better off just using the real thing! Check out ourguide to cooking oils要了解哪些最适合您正在做的烹饪类型。



Elle Penner,MPH,RD



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