5Important Thoughts on the Latest Dietary Guidelines

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
经过朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
5Important Thoughts on the Latest Dietary Guidelines

Every five years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) releases a new set of美国人的饮食指南。考虑到科学专家委员会的建议,该准则随着时间的推移而发展,目的是帮助人们吃饭以使他们保持健康的方式并防止疾病。2020 - 25年的指南于12月底发布,此版本有很多更新。

当然,取悦所有人并不容易。一些营养专家认为准则可能会慢慢跟上营养科学的发展。同时,“为整个人群制定饮食指南必须非常具有挑战性,”安吉·阿什(Angie Asche),MS,Rd。总体而言,专家认为,这些准则正在朝着正确的方向发展。Asche补充说:“对于所有年龄段的人来说,有很多有用的信息,尤其是对于那些不确定从哪里开始的人。”




One of the biggest changes to the guidelines is there are now recommendations for specific age and life-stage groups, including pregnant and lactating women. The age range also extends to age 2. “Previously, the guidelines focused mostly on the average adult and ignored the altered nutrient needs for these groups,” says凯利·琼斯,MS,Rd。

The guidelines for babies are in line with those from the American Academy of Pediatrics and include information on breastfeeding and when to introduce potential allergens. “For pregnant and lactating women, there is a focus on胆碱,支持婴儿脑健康和脊柱发育以及Omega-3由Fatty Fish提供。”琼斯解释说,这些添加尤其重要,因为它们是由于近年来的新兴研究所致。



Another major change involves focusing on a全饮法而不是单个食品和食物群。“这突出了no one food makes you healthy。相反,这是你的总体饮食方式以及决定饮食的营养密度的食物选择的平均值。”琼斯说。

“我感谢从以前的迭代转变,主要关注单个食品群和营养,重点关注饮食方式及其食物和营养特征。”Erin Kenney,MS,Rd。“This moves us远离僵化的饮食模式的想法and more toward a holistic approach to wellness, taking into consideration cultural, personal and traditional preferences that适合个人预算。”These important factors in Americans’ food decisions had not been considered previously, which could make Americans of different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds feel left out or as if it’s impossible for them to eat more healthfully, notes Jones. “Because socioeconomic status is tied to risk of chronic disease and overall health, it’s critically important to ensure dietary guidelines fit the needs ofallAmericans.”



“现在是时候提到的准则了咖啡消费肯尼说。“新的指南指出,3-5、8盎司的杯子/天可以纳入健康的饮食模式中,但是那些目前不服用咖啡因的人不鼓励开始。”那可能是因为有些咖啡因的好处, especially for athletic performance, there are some缺点,尤其是在谈到睡觉。Still, this is great news for coffee [and tea] lovers out there, says Kenney.



“我很高兴看到孩子的建议dren under 2 years of age should not consume anyadded sugarin their diet,” says Asche. “However, I was surprised to see no change to the增加了糖限制of up to 10% total calories. For someone eating a2,000卡路里饮食, that’s up to 50 grams of sugar, which in my opinion is way too high.”

For reference,美国心脏协会建议男性/天不超过36克,女性为25克/天。琼斯指出,咨询委员会建议将添加的糖摄入量减少到6%,但不采用这种变化的原因是,对于大多数美国人来说,这似乎是不现实的。也就是说,您总是可以通过像MyFitnessPal这样的应用to get a sense of how much you consume and实施这些小调整以减少



Another area experts were startled by was alcohol. “I was surprised the healthy alcohol recommendation for men and women didn’t come down this year,” saysMatt Dengler, MS, RDN. “With the known high rate of ‘heavy alcohol use’ in this country (25.8% of all Americans), the 14.1 million Americans who suffer from Alcohol Use Disorder and the95,000人每年死亡从与酒精有关的死亡中,我认为酒精建议会下降。”

Currently, and in the 2015 guidelines, healthy or moderate alcohol use is described as up to 2 drinks per day for men and up to 1 drink per day for women. Similar to added sugar, the advisory committee recommended lowering alcohol intake guidelines to up to 1 drink per day for both women and men, but the change wasn’t adopted. The guidelines clarify that people who don’t drink alcohol already shouldn’t start. Since alcohol cannegatively affect your sleepandweight-loss goals,这是一个好主意在MyFitnesspal中记录您的饮料, so you can identify any trends andsee how you feel if you cut back

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About the Author

朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)
朱莉娅·马拉科夫(Julia Malacoff)

朱莉娅(@jmalacoff) is a seasoned writer and editor who focuses on fitness, nutrition, and health. She’s also a certified personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach. Based in Amsterdam, she bikes every day and travels around the world in search of tough sweat sessions and the best vegetarian fare.


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