How Matcha Saved Me When Coffee Couldn’t

Lonny Pugh.
byLonny Pugh.
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How Matcha Saved Me When Coffee Couldn’t

I made some major life changes last year. Quit my job, put my things in storage, and even bought a one-way plane ticket to the opposite coast, like people in movies (and apparently actual people) do. I tell you this so you truly understand my perspective when I tell you that probably (maybe) the biggest change I made last year wasditching coffee for matcha

这不是关于咖啡邪恶的文章。Coffee is not evil。咖啡是超越的,咖啡很完美。早上喝咖啡的味道让我想起了为什么我活着。我姐姐曾经给了我一个化学物质,使我能够酿造自己的花哨,粘稠和富有足够的浓度,我可以舒服地收费5.50美元的杯子。我从来没有这样做过,但在我辞职后,我考虑了它。

Point is, I love coffee. I love it a little too much. And when I love something I want to love it all the time.


These days, as a freelancer, I spend hours hunched over my laptop. I need a ritual to repeat at regular intervals throughout the day, one that gets me to stand up straight, perform a task that isn’t typing and look at something that isn’t a screen. Most important, I need to inject a thunderous bolt of caffeine and purpose into my bloodstream.

A cup of coffee in the morning is great — actually even4 cups a dayis considered OK. But in my new life I was suddenly downing the equivalent of at least a pot by lunchtime, and my day, which started out like a commercial — morning sunlight, wistful smile, that first glorious sip — resembled a reboot of “Requiem for a Dream.” The music on my Sonos was jarring and faraway. My stomach was shredded. My teeth were yellow, my skin gray, my eyes red. I was dehydrated, and sweating in strange places, and I didn’t know where I was. I only knew what I must do to get my next fix. This state was not conducive to good writing or good anything.


我不记得我的第一个比赛。我的第一个匹配记忆是想要避免它突然到处的时候,就像kombucha要么avocado toast, flooding millennial-pink cafés and over-designed restaurants and my Instagram feed. But that changed …

Matcha is like green tea only more so, made from shade-grown Japanese leaves that are ground into a fine powder. Green tea has been said to help weight loss, reduce metabolic syndrome and contain a range of antioxidants. But most important, the buzz is not the same as what you get in coffee.

The ritual of making matcha is similar to coffee, but different: Boil some water, pour some over a scoop of powder and — this is the best part (and something coffee lacks) — you pull out your little bamboo whisk. This all works best in a wide, deep mug or a bowl. Like, big enough to get your head in. Picture a toddler with a soup bowl.

The whisking ritual made me realize much of what I loved about coffee — besides the coffee, hot, delicious coffee — was the ritual of making it. Not the Chemex ritual specifically, just any ritual that involved boiling water. I like to spin the whisk around exactly 100 times, but sometimes I throw caution to the wind and only do 75.

当然,你可以做一个matcha latte通过加入杏仁牛奶,肉桂和龙舌兰。这是一个很好的,如果是亵渎神明的,混合物。但我更喜欢含咖啡因饮料(和人),正是他们是什么,而且没有。我喜欢我的咖啡黑色和我的火柴植物,就像我在脏叶子上吸吮。

The best part: I can do this all day. A matcha buzz is dialed down, focused and pleasant. And unlike when I drink coffee for hours, I’m not in need of an IV drip by sundown.

About the Author

Lonny Pugh.
Lonny Pugh.

Lonny is a writer and editor based in New York. He’s written for,洛杉矶,Varietyand others. If you see someone who looks like him wandering the streets with a mirrorless camera, or casing the new-fiction table at an indie bookstore, or squinting into a laptop at a cafe, that’s almost definitely him.



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