Ask the Dietitian: Are Eggs Bad For Cholesterol?

Sidney Fry, MS, RD
bySidney Fry, MS, RD
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Ask the Dietitian: Are Eggs Bad For Cholesterol?


您的身体需要胆固醇要运行,甚至可以自行制作 - 超出了您吃的食物可以吸收的数量。尽管消耗的胆固醇量与您的血液中发现的含量之间仍然存在关系,但这主要是弱的。广泛的research,包括几项哈佛研究,表明饮食中脂肪的总混合物对血液中的总胆固醇和LDL(坏)胆固醇的量最重要。特别是,饱和脂肪和反式脂肪是最大的罪魁祸首。




What’s important is tolook at the food in its entirety, rather than a single number on the label. Whole eggs are nutritional powerhouses. High in protein (6g), low in calories (70 per large egg), and rich in vitamins and minerals — eggs are not only one of the most nutrient-dense options available, but they’re also affordable and easy to cook.


扔蛋黄并选择egg whites可以在节省脂肪宏的同时获得蛋白质的好方法,但您可能会错过重要的营养。一个蛋黄含有约35%的每日胆碱 - 一种营养素,可刺激大脑中的神经递质,并可能预防阿尔茨海默氏病。它还富含维生素B12,核黄素,叶酸,并具有维生素D的每日价值的10% - 一种营养素,在食品中很难找到,并且我们近75%的人每天都没有得到足够的收益。此外,鸡蛋的脂肪刚好足以使所有必需的脂溶性维生素更容易用于人体,并且仅含有1.5克饱和脂肪。


If eggs are the main culprit for your cholesterol levels, then there isn’t much to worry about. It’s the sausage, cheese, fatty cuts of red meat, bacon, cold cuts and other foods high in saturated fat that may require more of your immediate attention. For cooking inspiration, check out8个简单的鸡蛋食谱狗万买球网址with more than 22 grams of protein,6 easy egg recipes under 250 calories不到10分钟就准备好了5个鸡蛋盘.


Sidney Fry, MS, RD
Sidney Fry, MS, RD

Sidney is a two-time James Beard Award-winning food and nutrition writer, editor and mom based out of Birmingham, Alabama. A registered dietitian with a passion for research and being proactive about health, she loves to eat, write, run and create simple, tasty meals with whole-food-based approach. Find out more fromherwebsite,Instagram或者推特.



  1. 胆固醇对我们的身体很重要,但您需要对其摄入量感到好奇。本文清除了您对鸡蛋在BOD产生不良胆固醇的所有疑问。感谢您分享本文以清除各种内容。阅读博客以了解更多。

  2. 头像 说:


  3. 头像 jdittes 说:


  4. 头像 Pablo Ferrer 说:

    Winter Wright eres un ignorante. Tu opinión no tiene valor. El huevo es una buena fuente de proteínas y grasas.

  5. 头像 威利尼 说:

    My dad ate a home grown farm egg every day of his life, sometimes two if he had an egg sandwich for lunch. He was healthy, thin, and energetic. His cholesterol level floored everyone he knew. He developed dementia as he reached 90 and had to be in a memory care unit. They served eggs about once a week. I begged them to give him back his morning egg and his caffienated coffee. No was the answer I got because it was bad for his health. He was 90 with dementia… good grief, what were they saving him from?

  6. 头像 特朗普45sucks 说:

    5 eggs a day for 10 months. Results? Astounding. I’m a 52 year-old man.

    总胆固醇 - 下降120分259至139
    Triglyceride – DOWN 200 points 385 to 185
    HDL - 上升4分27.0至31.0(需要更多练习)
    LDL – STEADY at 71.0
    VLDL Calculation – DOWN 8 points 45.0 to 37.0
    Cardiac Risk – 4.48 (Low Risk) – DOWN from 4.84 (Moderate risk)


  7. 头像 Lou R 说:

    蛋黄中的B-维生素胆碱的水平可导致前列腺肿大(BPH),尿液疼痛症状以及高PSA读数和前列腺癌。当然,这取决于每天消耗的鸡蛋数量。另外,将B-50/100 mg中的AM添加到AM.AMB中。补品。(自己研究,BPH胆碱)

  8. 头像 Lori 说:

    Except that the article was about eggs and cholesterol-not vegetables and cholesterol.

  9. 头像 Todd 说:

    Do a little research, Winter. Just a little.
    Then report back.

  10. 头像 Carrie Craft Parry 说:


  11. 冬天 - 我希望你在拖钓。有大量的研究说。鸡蛋超级营养,健康。我每天吃4个鸡蛋来降低胆固醇和BP。自2月以来,我也损失了50磅以上的鸡肉。

  12. 头像 freya 说:

    You don’t need to be worried about high LDL levels as long as it doesn’t become oxidized and turn into small dense LDL. The way to avoid this is eat a healthy and balanced low carb diet. When your body can’t produce enough insulin to cope with a high carb/sugar meal your blood glucose rises. This excess sugar in the blood causes glycation (aka damage) of lipid molecules meaning they lose their ability to function properly. These wayward molecules get picked up by macrophages and become foam cells which are the hallmark of plaque build up in the arteries.


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