5 Moves for a Trimmer Waist Without a Single Sit-Up

byTony Bonvechio
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5 Moves for a Trimmer Waist Without a Single Sit-Up

A chiseled midsection is the centerpiece of a well-balanced physique—even more than a pair of big biceps. But a trim waist can be hard to sculpt.

Despite what magazines may tell you, you can’t simply trim your waistline with a few simple exercises. The concept ofspot reduction(i.e., using exercise to lose fat in a specific area or body part) is a myth, but with a smart plan and hard work, you能够unveil sleek abs and obliques.

We won’t sugarcoat it (pun intended): A smaller waist starts in the kitchen. A smart nutritional approach that reduces overall calories to induce weight loss is necessary to strip away the fat that hides your abs and obliques. However, a handful of exercises can jump-start the fat-loss process.



To reveal a slimmer midsection, you have to lose body fat all over. Luckily, the verdict is clear on how to lose fat fast: high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

这种短暂的替代传统有氧运动的替代方案可与更长,更轻松的回合交替使用,以更少的时间在更少的时间内完成更多的工作。HIIT已被证明会燃烧更多的脂肪—specifically, belly fat—than an equal amount of steady-state cardio.

By cranking up the intensity, HIIT creates a fat-burning furnace called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) that leaves youburning extra calories for hourseven after you’ve stopped working out.


Start with 10 seconds of all-out effort followed by 50 seconds of easy running or pedaling. Do this for 8–10 minutes, and you’ll set yourself up for hours of extra calorie burning.


Few exercises target your entire midsection like side planks. More specifically, you’ll hammer your obliques, which, in combination with low body fat, will give your waistline a slimmer look.

Unlike crunches and sit-ups, which can leave your lower back sore and cranky, side planks can actually提升lower-back health by creating a more neutral pelvic and rib cage position. It’s a win-win.



The next exercise has nothing to do with fat loss或者building muscle. In fact, dead bugs strengthen the right muscles to reduce anterior pelvic tilt (APT), improving posture and creating a smaller-looking midsection.




Another sneaky way to make your waist look smaller is to make the muscles of your back and shoulders bigger. Nothing builds a strong back like pull-ups.





Naturally, if a bigger back makes your waist look small, a set of shapely thighs and glutes will make it look even smaller. Hip thrusts target all the muscles of the lower body and can be performed just about anywhere.

You’ll get a crazy burn from high-rep hip thrusts, especially the 1-leg version, but you’ll also help correct the previously mentioned APT by strengthening your glutes and hamstrings. Make sure to keep your core tight and squeeze your butt during the whole movement for the full effect.

Start with 3 sets of 10 reps per side. You can go as high as 20 reps or hold a dumbbell or weight plate across your lap to increase the resistance.


Quite simply, the steps to a slimmer waist are:

  1. Lose fat through diet and HIIT.
  2. 通过增强腹肌并改善姿势来减少偏差。
  3. 将肌肉上方和下方下方的肌肉发挥作用,以创造出较小的腰部的外观。


About the Author

Tony Bonvechio

Tony Bonvechio(@bonvecstrength) is the co-owner of The Strength House in Worcester, MA, where he trains primarily powerlifters and team sport athletes. A former college baseball player turned powerlifter, he earned his Master’s degree in Exercise Science from Adelphi University. You can read more from Tony atbonvecstrength.com.



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