
byChristine Byrne
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“Often, even when you think you’re listening to your body, you’re not really understanding what it’s telling you,” saysKeri Gans,MS Rd,作者小变化饮食.” To help keep you feeling even-keeled and energized all day long, we asked Gans for her take on how to get in tune with your own hunger, when your body may be asking for something other than food and how to take action on these signals in the healthiest way possible.


What it means:“When you’re so thirsty that you’re dehydrated, you’ll likely get a headache,” says Gans. Headaches can feel like low blood sugar, which you may mistake as a sign to eat.

该怎么办:Try drinking 8 ounces of water. While experts often recommend64 ounces per day,作为一般的经验法则,您的尿液应苍白,并且非常清晰或浅黄色。

What it means:“Some people look to soothe themselves with sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods when stressed,” notes Gans. Research has shown thesefoods boost levels of serotonin,让您暂时感到镇定,但是emotional eating无法解决根本问题。

该怎么办:Savoring a delicious meal or snack can help reduce stress ifdone mindfully. Sit down to a meal without distractions, eat slowly enough that you taste every bite and get in tune with how the food is making you feel. This also makes it easier to stop eating when you’ve had enough. Another tactic: Try calling a friend to help relieve stress instead of reaching for a snack.

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What it means:Since food is fuel, it makes sense that you crave extra when you’re sleep deprived or low on energy. This can lead to less-nutritious food choices. “When people are tired, they tend to choose more unhealthy foods than they would if they’d had adequate sleep and are more likely overeat,” says Gans.

该怎么办:睡眠对健康至关重要, since it’s when your body recharges and repairs itself. Instead of refueling late at night with a snack, you might be better off just hitting the pillow.

如果您在早晨或下午的中间感到饥饿,那么“很可能您的身体需要接我,” Gans说。在这种情况下,选择包装健康脂肪,蛋白质和纤维组合的零食,旨在保持低于250卡路里if you’re also eating normal-sized meals.

What it means:If you’ve ever found yourself constantly reaching for cookies on a particularly slow work day or plowing through your snack stash on a lazy Sunday afternoon, you’re likely eating out of boredom. Eating can give us a temporary sense of purpose when we’re not sure what else to do.

该怎么办:Gans’ advice on this is pretty cut-and-dry: “If you’re bored, you probably don’t need to eat.” She suggests figuring out when this boredom usually hits and finding some easy activities to do instead, like crosswords or going for a short walk.


“Most of the time when you think you’re hungry, it’s because you are,” says Gans. It’s hard to define what hunger feels like, since it’s different for everyone. Lightheadedness, dizziness, an empty or growling stomach, irritability and the inability to concentrate are all common signs of hunger, and it’s important to be in tune with these cues.

If your body is telling you to eat and you’ve gone through the above checklist to make sure you’re not actually just thirsty, stressed, tired or bored, then have something to eat. “The most important thing is that you have a well-stocked house with plenty ofhealthy foodssnacks,”甘斯说。


Christine Byrne

Christine is a trained chef and recipe developer who recently relocated from New York City to Durham, North Carolina. She started her career as a restaurant line cook, then became a food editor at BuzzFeed, and later the features editor at SELF. Follow her on Twitter@christinejbyrne和on Instagram@xtinebyrne有很多早餐照片,户外活动以及她的狗的真正可爱的视频,老板。



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