
Lauren Bedosky
byLauren Bedosky
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In general, weight loss is a good thing. As the CDCnotes,即使失去体重的5-10%也会降低血压,不良胆固醇和血糖。

However, one downside to weight loss is it often means losing muscle tissue, which not onlyburns more calories at rest than fat, but also helps give your body shape and functional ability. In fact, you can expect a whopping 20–30% of the weight you lose by cutting calories will come from muscle, according toresearch发表在《美国临床营养杂志》上。

That is, unless you take steps to prevent muscle loss. Here’s what to do to hold onto muscle tissue:



One of the first things you should do if you’re trying to lose fat without compromising existing muscle is boost your每日蛋白质摄入

According to afrom the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), increasing your protein intake from the recommended 0.8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight per day (g/kg/day) to 1.2–2.4g/kg/day, while also restricting calories (30–40% reduction), can maximize fat loss while maintaining existing muscle.


实际上,增加蛋白质摄入甚至可能会帮助您gain肌肉在遵循卡路里限制饮食的同时 - 也就是说,只要您也举重(不久之后)。

In astudypublished in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers had 40 overweight young men follow a diet that was either lower in protein (1.2g/kg/day) or higher in protein (2.4g/kg/day), and perform a combination of strength training and HIIT six days per week. Though the two groups consumeddifferent amounts of protein, both followed a hypocaloric (low-calorie) diet that reduced their estimated caloric needs by 40%.

By the end of four weeks, the higher-protein group not only lost more fat than the lower-protein group (10.6 pounds versus 7.7), but they also gained roughly 2.6 pounds of muscle, whereas the lower-protein group added none.

So, how do you go about increasing your protein intake? As with any大量营养素,您需要首先寻找全食品来源,如果您遇到难以满足需求,请转向蛋白质补充剂。“我是补充饮食的粉丝,”Michael D. Roberts,博士学位,运动机能学院副教授和主任Molecular and Applied Sciences Laboratoryat Auburn University. As he notes, protein supplements aren’t any better at creating an anabolic (muscle-building) response than other protein sources with a similar amino acid profile (amino acids make up protein), but they may be a more practical option for people who struggle to get adequate protein.

Greatwhole-food sources of proteininclude eggs, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), beans (edamame, black, pinto), Greek yogurt, seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), cottage cheese, lentils and meat and seafood (tuna, salmon, beef, turkey).

ISSN推荐spreading protein intake evenly throughout your day, and aiming to replenish every 3–4 hours.



除了增加日常蛋白质摄入量外,进行定期耐药性运动还可以帮助您维护 - 甚至gain— muscle while you shed fat.

罗伯茨说:“ [体重训练]至关重要。”“有很多证据支持这样的观念,即体重训练可以在节食期间保持肌肉。”


Researchpublished in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism even shows performing resistance exercise after following a low-calorie diet for five days can stimulate MPS to reach pre-diet levels. And when subjects also ingested 15–30 grams of protein post-exercise, their MPS levels were 16 and 34% greater than their resting level before they started their diet.





Cardio exercise (running, cycling, swimming) can certainly help you lose fat (alongside a healthy diet, of course). In fact, according to the authors ofa study发表在《应用生理学杂志》上,有氧训练似乎是减少脂肪的最佳运动方法。

更不用说,有氧运动还提供了各种其他健康益处,使您值得您花费时间。Running, for example, may lower your risk of death from heart disease by 45%, according toa long-term studyin the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Where cardio might get you into trouble is if you take it to the extreme, all in the hopes of shedding fat: “Many folks’ go-to for losing weight is drastically cutting calories and running miles upon miles every day of the week,” Roberts says.

Instead of running yourself ragged — and risking muscle loss in the process — stick to a combined cardio and strength-training approach. Roberts suggests doing cardio and strength training on separate days.

You might also consider doing高强度间隔训练(HIIT) in place of traditional moderate-intensity cardio, as HIIT likely takes less time.


Lauren Bedosky
Lauren Bedosky

劳伦(Lauren)是一位自由职业者健身作家,他专门介绍跑步和力量训练主题。她为各种国家出版物写作,包括男性健康,Runner’s World,SHAPE妇女的跑步。她和丈夫和他们的三只狗一起住在明尼苏达州布鲁克林公园。



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