
byJacquelyn Brennan
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static.squarespacePilates is for everyone. It can be modified and progressed to fit the needs of each individual’s body. I found Pilates after many years of sports, high intensity exercise, and lots of running. My body was in need of something a little more balancing that would focus on proper alignment, stretching, core strength, length, and better posture. Pilates is a perfect compliment to any exercise you are currently doing, and with these five powerful moves you can improve your overall posture and strength, and feel healthier and happier, too.

myfitnesspal Plank exercise:用手直接在肩膀下方,稍微在手指前,腿部互动,肩膀宽阔,从耳朵远离耳朵。通过向上并伸向脊柱,使腹部肌肉保持平整,使您的腹部肌肉接触。将身体保持一条长线,通过头冠和脚跟伸出能量。通过核心保持强壮,并继续呼吸!

myfitnesspal swan exerciseSwan:Begin by lying prone (on your belly) with your lower body relaxed, and your hands directly under your shoulders. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and engage your triceps. Then, lift your upper body by engaging your upper back muscles to extend the spine. If you feel compressive in your lumbar, lessen the range of motion. The purpose of swan is to engage the upper back and middle back muscles, and to stretch the front line of the body. Keep your head and neck in line with your spine, making sure not to strain your neck muscles.The

myfitnesspal Saw exerciseSaw:Begin by sitting up tall, right on top of your sitting bones, with your legs extended hip-width distance apart and feet flexed to stretch the back line of your legs. If you have tight hamstrings, bend your knees to allow yourself to sit upright. Bring your arms out to a “T,” inhale turning to your right and exhaling to reach your left hand towards your right foot, while reaching your right hand behind you. Take a breath into your rotation. Inhale while rolling up in your rotation, and exhale return to center. Repeat on the other side. Make sure to take your gaze with you, and keep both hips heavy.

MyFitnesspal骨盆新闻练习骨盆出版社:Begin with your feet hip-width distance apart, inner thighs engaged and upper body relaxed. Start by taking a pelvic tilt, and roll your lower back up towards you, rolling up all the way one vertebra at a time, and making sure to move through both sides of your spine evenly. Roll down, imagining your spine as a string of pearls, and place one vertebra down at a time. This is a nice stretch and massage for your entire spine.


myfitnesspal TheHUNDRED

Ready to add these Pilates moves to your daily routine? Try them and tell us which one is your favorite!

About the Author

Jacquelyn Brennan

Jacquelyn Brennan is a health and wellness expert who shares her knowledge daily at拟合. She holds a degree in kinesiology, and currently teaches Pilates, group exercise, and is a Certified Personal Trainer. Jacquelyn loves inspiring others to get moving, stay healthy, eat well, and learn how to exercise effectively.



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