
byJulia Malacoff
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盐或钠是必不可少的电解质involved in all kinds of body processes, from fluid balance in your cells to the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, explainsSilvia Carli,路。在许多情况下,咸食物的渴望与dehydration or electrolyte imbalance, 她说。“如果是这种情况,那只是我们的身体试图告诉我们吃或喝更多。”卡利补充说,如果您经历了疲劳,头痛或心率升高等症状,则可能会在盐的渴望后面脱水。

Another reason you might crave salty foods? Pure habit. “We crave what we already eat, so if you’re eating a high-sodium diet, your body is likely to crave more salt, since that’s what it’s used to getting,” saysAbby Vichill,rdn。“通过限制包装和加工食品,这些渴望将开始减少。”

Lastly, salt cravings could be related to health conditions like heart problems, stress or PMS. They’re also common in pregnancy, says Kimberly Hagenbuch, a registered dietitian with Sodexo North America. Sodium is an essential nutrient, so you don’t want too much或者她指出,太少了。理想情况下,您想保持接近2,300毫克的每日推荐价值,以确保您获得足够high blood pressure

So, when a salt craving strikes, what can you do? First, drink some water. “The body may need more fluid, and hydrating with water may do the trick,” says Hagenbuch. If that doesn’t work, try these nutrition-pro-approved snacks.


“This is a simple snack, but a satisfying one as theprotein content奶酪将遏制您的饥饿并满足您的咸味。” Hagenbuch解释说。她建议您从1盎司您最喜欢的高蛋白奶酪开始(思考:切达干酪,瑞士或古guda)。“与您最喜欢的水果搭配,为小吃添加更多纤维。这种组合也可能满足咸味的渴望。”

Opt for lightly salted nuts for a satisfying snack, Vichill advises. “Nuts are rich in nutrients, especially omega-3 essential fatty acids. Omega-3’s are nutrients that help squash inflammation, support blood sugar control, improve cognitive function, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Nuts are also composed primarily of dietary fat and protein, which will help increase fullness.”


Hagenbuch解释说:“这是在一锅水中沸腾的动物骨头制成的库存。”“食谱通常会添加醋,盐,胡椒,草药和胡萝卜。骨骼内的骨髓分解成营养汤,其中包含维生素,矿物质,结缔组织和collagen。” Whether you buy pre-made骨汤或者opt to make your own, it can really help on both fronts with salt cravings, since it’s both hydratingsalty.

Celeryactually has one of the highest sodium contents compared to other vegetables, providing about 30–50 milligrams of sodium in one medium stalk,” notes Rachel Werkheiser, RD. It’s a good pick for squashing cravings because it has a crunchy texture we often seek in snack foods, and can also satisfy the taste for something salty, she says. Plus, it supplies fiber and a variety of微量营养素


Another protein-rich option, Vichill recommends chowing down on some beef jerky. “Having something high in protein when you’re craving salt and sweets can be a phenomenal way to satisfy the craving without going bananas on an entire bag of chips,” she says. “Protein increases satiety hormones in a way that chips and other refined carbs don’t.” Choosing a high-quality jerky that’s raised sustainably means nutrients are more plentiful in the product, Vichill adds.


There’s a reasoncottage cheese is a go-to option for dietitians: It’s a nutritional powerhouse. “It contains about 350mg of sodium per serving to curb your craving, plus a whole lot of nutritious protein to keep hunger away,” explains Carli. Top it with fruit, dip veggies in it, or eat it plain.

Fermented foodslike kimchi and sauerkraut add a tangy flavor to food that’s comparable to saltiness,” says艾米·戴维斯(Amy Davis),路。其他发酵的选择包括开菲尔,康普茶和腌制蔬菜。


If you’ve got a craving for fries you can’t kick, try making some homemade, lightly salted and seasonedsweet potato wedges。Vichill说:“快餐餐厅的薯条问题是,它们通常是由质量较差的油,盐和调味料制成的,完全消除了土豆的营养益处。”使用您自己的油(Vichill喜欢椰子或鳄梨油),调味料可以使您美味satisfying snack.

卡利指出,通过在家里准备毛豆,您可以控制添加多少盐。毛豆也是一个很好的来源plant-based protein


戴维斯说,如果您想减少盐的消耗,请新鲜或干燥的草药,例如罗勒,欧芹,薄荷和莳萝,增加了很多味道,而没有任何额外的盐。“尝试将一些草药混合到希腊酸奶中,然后将胡萝卜或黄瓜浸入其中。”您将获得蛋白质的热门,加上浓郁的盐味 - 双赢。

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Julia Malacoff

Julia (@jmalacoff)是一位经验丰富的作家和编辑,专注于健身,营养和健康。她还是经过认证的私人教练和精确营养1级教练。她每天都在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车,并在世界各地旅行,以寻找艰难的汗水和最好的素食美食。



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