
经过雅克琳·布伦南(Jacquelyn Brennan)


MyFitnessPal木板运动Plank:进入一个位置用手直接联合国der your shoulders, your focus slightly in front of your fingers, legs engaged, shoulders broad on your back and down away from your ears. Engage your abdominal muscles by drawing up and in towards your spine, keeping a flat back. Keep your body in one long line, reaching energy out through the crown of your head and through your heels. Hold strong through your core, and continue to breathe!


MyFitnessPal看到了运动锯:首先坐着高高的坐着坐骨头,双腿相距较长的臀部宽度,脚弯曲以伸展腿的后线。如果您的腿筋紧紧,请弯曲膝盖以使自己直立坐着。将手臂带到“ T”上,向右转动并呼气以伸向右脚的左手,同时伸手伸到右手身后。呼吸旋转。在轮换滚动时吸气,然后呼气回到中心。在另一侧重复。确保随身携带您的目光,并保持两个臀部沉重。

myfitnesspal Pelvic Press exercisePelvic Press:从您的脚相距臀部宽度距离开始,大腿内侧互动,上半身放松。首先取下骨盆倾斜,然后向下向下滚动向上向您滚动,一次一直滚动一个椎骨,并确保均匀地穿过脊柱的两侧。向下滚动,想象您的脊椎是一串珍珠,一次将一个椎骨放下。这是一个不错的伸展运动,对整个脊柱进行按摩。

百:Start on your back with your knees in tabletop position (90/90). Reaching your arms along your sides, begin to curl up into an upper contraction. Begin to pump your arms, engaging your triceps, and breathing in for two counts, then out for two counts (for four counts); repeat 5x for a total of 20 counts, then extend your legs straight to the ceiling. Breathing just as you did for 20. Next, lower your legs a third of the way to the ground, and pump your arms for 20 counts. Then, lower another third for another 20 counts. Finally, lower the last third for 20 counts—for a total of 100! Only lower your legs as much as you can without feeling strain in your low back. You can complete this entire exercise with your head on the ground and your knees in tabletop if that feels better for you.

Myfitnesspal thehunhun



雅克琳·布伦南(Jacquelyn Brennan)

雅克琳·布伦南(Jacquelyn Brennan)是一位健康与健康专家,每天都在分享她的知识Fitsouffle。她拥有运动机能学学位,目前教普拉提,小组锻炼,并且是一名认证的私人教练。雅克琳(Jacquelyn)喜欢启发他人搬家,保持健康,饮食良好,并学习如何有效运动。


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