
Sarah Schlichter, RD
bySarah Schlichter, RD
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While it may seem overwhelming to keep it all straight and learn the latest diet tips, we need to know what is scientifically true versus the latest fad.

Here are some dietitians’ favorite nutrition myths, busted.

This is a longstanding myth that many dieters try to avoid. The bottom line is, your body needs calories and it will burn them whenever it gets them.

有时生活和工作环境会导致晚餐和小吃。而不是避免夜间完全吃饭(如果您必须晚饭就感到内gui),而是专注于choosing nutrient-dense options. Eating a nutrient-rich meal may be better than skipping a meal altogether to help balance your blood sugar and provide nutrients before going to bed. Just avoid mindlessly consuming晚上其他卡路里, which can lead to weight gain.

Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, has become a dietary villain. While 1% of the population has Celiac disease (and a small percentage of others have a gluten sensitivity), the majority of people have no problem metabolizing gluten. Yet, a reported30% of all Americansare either avoiding or completely eliminating foods containing gluten from their diets.

Gluten-free has become a nutritional buzz term which people automatically equate with healthfulness. Yet, no research supports the notion that gluten-free products offer more health benefits than traditional products containing gluten. In fact, gluten-containing foods carry many nutritional benefits, from fiber and iron to B-vitamins and antioxidants. Replacing them with gluten-free alternatives often leads to additional fat, calories and sugar, in addition to a higher price tag. Furthermore, whole grains, many of which contain gluten, have been linked to areduced riskof increased blood sugar and cardiovasculardisease.


This old myth neglects the fact that all people are different. While the common conception is that less is better, there are many dangers in eating too few calories. Some of these negative consequences include a slowed metabolism, muscle loss, lethargy, ignoring hunger signals, body temperature dysregulation and more. Furthermore, eating too few calories can put a person at risk for malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies. Eating fewer calories can be even more problematic if a person is exercising or training intensely, further increasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies and even amenorrhea for women.

Calorie needs vary depending on a person’s genetics, activity level and lifestyle. There is no blanket magic number of calories that results in weight loss for everyone, and chronically under-eating is not a healthy long-term solution.

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Superfoods —like chia seeds, maca powder and goji berries- 不会治愈疾病或使您自己健康。尽管没有标准标准标记为“超级食品”,但被销售的标准通常被过高,而且通常很难找到。

The truth is, you can get many of the same antioxidant and nutrition benefits from other nutrient-dense food choices, like salmon, blueberries, kale and oranges. You don’t have to seek out spirulina or wheatgrass. In fact, if you’re eating a healthy, balanced diet complete with lean protein, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and low-fat dairy, you’re getting plenty of “superfoods” already.

While eating marketed superfoods won’t hurt your health, relying exclusively on them won’t protect you from chronic disease either. There are plenty of other widely available foods that meet the same criteria, and a wide variety of foods is encouraged to prevent nutritional deficiencies.


Sarah Schlichter, RD
Sarah Schlichter, RD

莎拉(Sarah)是位于华盛顿特区地区的注册营养师。她与运动员一起为运动加油而不严格的节食。莎拉还是营养顾问,并写博客,Bucket List Tummy,sharing nutrition posts, healthy family-friendly recipes and running tips.



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