
by凯利·奥马拉(Kelly O'Mara)
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她的一生,奥利·贝(Olly Bey)超重。她解释说:“从一开始。”“我什至以10磅重的婴儿出来。”

这是一个故事,讲述了这位总部位于伦敦的教育项目经理如何通过大量停止并开始减轻110磅的重量,并成为一种社交媒体的轰动……her Instagram posts, 当然。

“My journey’s been a lot longer than a lot of other people’s,” she says.

省长的大多数朋友和家人来盯住她s a heavy girl. And she bought into it. “I just assumed I was supposed to be fat,” she says. At her heaviest, she hit 259 pounds when she was 25 years old.

#transformationtuesday。- 这是我和朋友们一起去西班牙的旅行,就像往常一样,我在炎热的下面装满了衣服。老实说,我曾经讨厌夏天。我的大腿会因不断地摩擦而膨胀,我会疯狂地出汗,因为我坚持要穿着肚子,而不是试图对自己的体重做些事情。让我们将美学搁置一会儿。如果您的体重导致您感到不舒服,弄乱生活质量并破坏您的健康,请做点什么。我知道开始有多么艰难和压倒性,但是在被迫做某事之前做的事情要做。您不必开始大事,但您必须启动,否则什么都不会改变。_ #bethechangeyouwant #changyourfatitude #startwhereyouare #youcandoit #youvsyou #itsnotarace #healthfirst #phukasthetics #chooseyoursmile #transformationtueaday #afrogirlfitness #changestartswithyou #positivevibes #exercise #extremeweightloss #over100lbdown #fitspo


For years, Bey tried counting calories, which worked occasionally — her weight fluctuated. But it wasn’t until three years ago that she started using MyFitnessPal consistently and began viewing food as more than just calories. She asked questions on the MyFitnessPal forums and learned about macros:蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪。She started reading nutritional labels and logging the specific foods she was eating (instead of guessing), and weighing portions on food scales to get an accurate idea of what she was eating.

“I didn’t realize my old eating habits were bad,” she says, recalling eating two breakfasts or drinking two liters of Coke daily. “I just thought it was normal.”



So I’ve had a few people ask me how to make healthy Nigerian meals. Firstly YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE UP naija food in order to eat healthy. It’s all about making the right swaps with ingredients and watching portion sizes. . . If you want nutrition advice and examples for healthy Nigerian meals then check out my fitsis @fitmrsfats. Her page is packed with meal ideas, especially Nigerian food. We connected on IG some time ago, she has an amazing spirit and is full of support . . . If you want to chop efo riro and not feel guilty then my girl @fitmrsfats will show you the way without the palm oil #healthyfood #nigerianfood #eattolive #youcanatilleatthefoodyoulove #practicemoderation #portioncontrol #fitchick #nutritioniskey #weightloss #mealplansundays #instafit #foodie



Bey bought a Beach Body DVD, but it sat on the table in her flat for four months until she finally tried it. When she went to the gym, she didn’t know where to start or what to do. It was all men in the weight room, and she had to Google videos of the machines to learn how they worked. After trying basic aerobic exercise for a few months, she found weightlifting a year ago and her routine evolved. “It made me change my focus not on how I look, but on how I feel,” she says.

减肥的渴望迫使我变得活跃,但这并不是让我前进的原因。我谈论的是“腰围”等,但是我出现的动力比这更深。我提醒自己,健身是使我能够剥夺生活中所有背景声音并使我醒来的一件事。所需的学科使我停止沉迷于某些事情,这些事情让我没有。这使我站着足够意识到我需要开始祈祷。它已经关闭了很多负面的自我谈话,并使我意识到如果您愿意为之努力,一切皆有可能。变得健康比美学更深。您学到的课程将对您的生活产生更大的影响。当您开始以这种方式查看它时,锻炼不再变成琐事。它的生活方式与众不同,以至于您质疑为什么要离开,花了您这么长时间才将其作为优先事项。 #ourbodiesaremadetomove #healthiswealth #healthybillonaire



Very quickly, people began flocking to her for inspiration. It’s only been a year, but Bey now has more than 9,000 followers — though she doesn’t call them followers; she calls them “slayers.”


她还创建了一个名称以匹配她的Instagram句柄的博客 -Changing My Fatitude- 并开始提供为期两周的套餐,以帮助人们入门,分配她在路上让她所需的一些基本建议:家庭锻炼,如何在MyFitnessPal上使用提醒,有关登录食物和餐饮计划的技巧,食谱和食谱,以及狗万买球网址even a beginner’s shopping guide.

Bey says she gets emotional notes and comments from people who are struggling with their own journeys: exercise, food, even self-esteem issues, like not wanting to be in photos with their kids. She theorizes that many of her followers — women also trying to lose weight — respond to her struggles and want to share their own.


随着斋月的临近,我在圣月期间就锻炼和营养姐妹有很多问题。我将从自己的经验中尽我最大的分享建议,也将您指向其他一些姐妹的方向,这些姐妹会为您提供各种技巧和建议。首先,斋月是关于敬拜和改善精神上的自我,我们不应该在健身目标中失去自己,而是错过了这一时期的好处。同样,这并不意味着我们必须过度沉迷于食物或从体育锻炼中完全退步。让我们在这篇文章中谈论练习,你们中的许多人都问您在禁食时是否仍然可以锻炼。是的,您可以需要调整通常的强度和培训时间。每个人都是完全不同的,例如,我更喜欢在IFTAR之前训练1小时左右,因为这对我有用,但是我知道有些人更喜欢在Iftar或Suhoor之前训练。在斋月期间没有完美的运动时间。取而代之的是 - 聆听您的身体,只要准备好进行锻炼,就应该去做锻炼并进行适度的锻炼。无论您在训练的时间如何,都需要降低强度(会议的天数和lengh)。 I drop the number of days I train to 4 days and I don’t do more than 40 to 45 minutes, the aim is to get in and get out. For example if you train just before Iftar then heavy weights or a HIIT session is not ideal because by that time you will be heavily dehydrated and tired. Opt for light weights, more reps and low intensity cardio. If you plan to train after Taraweeh prayers or before Suhoor then you may be able to train at your usual intensity because you would have eaten and have the added benefit of being able to drink water at that point. You don’t need to completely drop your fitness goals but you need to be flexible and focus on maintaining instead. You will find multi articles and advice suggesting A is the best way to train during Ramadan or B is the best way to train during Ramadan. Personally the key is to listen to your own body, because everybody responds differently. Stay tuned…



“I see myself as an ‘agony aunt,’” she says, using a British term for advice columnists. Her next plan is to do more Q&A videos, where she answers follower-submitted questions and asks other followers for their input.


She still struggles to keep up, she says, especially in social settings, but that’s part of the journey. And it’s one of the messages she wants to pass on to others: It’s OK to make mistakes. That’s part of the journey, too.

About the Author

凯利·奥马拉(Kelly O'Mara)
Kellyis a professional triathlete and reporter outside San Francisco, where she is an on-call producer for the local NPR station. Her works appears regularly in espnW, Competitor, Triathlete and California Magazine. She also co-hosts the podcast, Locker Room Talk, for WiSP: The Global Women’s Sports Network. And she trains. A lot.



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