How a College Student’s Weight-Loss Journey Led Her to a New Career

丹尼·邦维森(Danny Bonvissuto)
经过丹尼·邦维森(Danny Bonvissuto)
How a College Student’s Weight-Loss Journey Led Her to a New Career

在2013年元旦,汉娜·詹金斯(Hannah Jenkins)做出了她以前做出的同样的决议。这次,它卡住了。


我们会有点破坏故事:她到达那里。她在大学中途改变了自己的职业计划,这已经足够改变生活。去年春天,她成为媒体的宠儿也没有受到伤害 - 它肯定了她做出了正确的选择。

Growing up in Knoxville, Tennessee, Jenkins and her sisters ate out five times a week.

“My parents didn’t have a lot of nutritional knowledge,” Hannah explains. “Meals at home were frozen convenience foods like burritos, fries, corn dogs and chicken patties. We always had lots of junk food around the house like Little Debbies and chips and ate whatever and whenever we wanted. In the South, it’s acceptable to be overweight.”


>She Lost 215 Pounds With This Mantra: ‘Weight Loss Isn’t Linear’

But she didn’t like the way it felt, inside or out. “When you’re overweight and someone’s talking about someone else who’s overweight, I felt ashamed,” she says. “You think people are talking about you.”

So she started working out at the campus gym. “I thought you lost weight by exercising,” she says. “But when I took the time to research, I learned exercise is just one part of it. So I started counting calories in my head.”


当新生获得了刻板印象的15磅时,詹金斯在新年和夏季之间减轻了很大的体重 - 回家和感觉与她离开时的感觉有很大不同。

“I didn’t weigh myself until January of the next year,” says Jenkins, who currently weighs 175. “I’m the kind of person who can be discouraged by the scale if I don’t see it going down as quickly as I want, so I decided not to weigh myself until I was 100 percent ready to see what that number was.”

但减肥影响超过她的健康d appearance. Toward the end of her sophomore year, Jenkins decided mass communications wasn’t her path and changed her major.

“It hit me that I wanted to switch to nutrition when I realized what a huge impact learning about nutrition had on my life,” she says. “I wanted to share that knowledge with others so I could help others change for the better, too.”




尽管詹金斯三年前减轻了体重,但最近的功能People, 上MSN.comandSFGATEhave celebrated her accomplishments — and given her new opportunities to help others.


Three people can already attest to her combination of education and experience: Jenkins’ father, twin sister and younger sister have lost a collective 276 pounds, all inspired by her hard work.

Jenkins graduated in May and is firming up her plans for the future, both personally and professionally.


About the Author

丹尼·邦维森(Danny Bonvissuto)
丹尼·邦维森(Danny Bonvissuto)

丹尼热爱单词,为生活写作,独立书店,薯条,莎莎和奎索,阳光,牛仔裤,背心和跑步 - 但前提是涉及80年代的岩石。她的目标包括长出白发,写一本短篇小说和上嘻哈舞蹈课。她的作品出现在食品和葡萄酒,旅行 +休闲,食品网络杂志,HGTV,WebMD和Plate Magazine中。


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