She Lost 215 Pounds With This Mantra: ‘Weight Loss Isn’t Linear’

She Lost 215 Pounds With This Mantra: ‘Weight Loss Isn’t Linear’

Kim Westerman
经过Kim Westerman
She Lost 215 Pounds With This Mantra: ‘Weight Loss Isn’t Linear’

As if being a mother of twins wasn’t hard enough, Roxanne Crozier was finding it harder and harder to make time to take care of herself. At the beginning of last year, she was knee-deep in looking after her 2 year olds and paying less attention to her own health as her habits had slipped. At her peak, she weighed 360 pounds.


One day, in January 2016, the Springfield, Missouri-based stay-at-home mom noticed a strange rash on the back of her hand. After Googling frantically to identify the cause, she quickly became convinced that it was a sign of diabetes, which runs in her family — her father and maternal grandmother have Type II diabetes, as did her late uncle. Crozier was 28 at the time and was afraid she would be diagnosed next. That was enough of a scare to make a change.

她的策略是咨询互联网以获取最佳食品应用程序,她发现的大多数资源都将MyFitnessPal确定为最爱。因此,克罗泽尔(Crozier)冒险,立即理解了好处。她很快发现自己习惯了记录食物摄入量的习惯。这并不容易 - 她知道自己的饮食习惯需要重新考虑 - 但她将其用作日常动机和专注的工具。她开始进入自己的食谱,这使她可以相对确定地知道每餐中有狗万买球网址多少卡路里。




One was accountability. Whereas she really had no system at the outset, she made a decision to crowd-source her choices to keep her honest. She began to take photos of all her meals and posted them in various Facebook groups.


Her husband also helped keep her focused, going so far to diet with her (and losing 90 pounds of his own) and playing “guinea pig,” and she puts it, with the recipes she tweaked to make them healthier.

另一个新的习惯是承诺运动。在过去的九个月中,她一直在朋友的帮助下作为锻炼伙伴的帮助,这有助于使她保持坚强。对于Crozier来说,它就像步行一样简单。她说她是从“沿着车道驶下然后回去的,现在是一个朋友,我走了4–9, or more, miles twice a week.”

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”HEX 0073bb” class=”” size=””]“如果规模表现出烦人的话,我只是伸出舌头,去度过一天。”[/ perfectpullquote]

Finally, she took control of her urges. Whereas previously she would give in to her cravings, she developed a new strategy to control the hunger.

“If the need to binge comes over me, I remind myself how far I’ve come and how much I do not want to [be at] my previous weight,” she says. “I also remind myself that it’ll be ‘a minute on the lips but longer on the hips.’”




Crozier considers herself lucky to have had support from family, local friends and the remote pals she’s made on social media. MyFitnessPal was just a part of it — she credits it with helping take the guesswork out of keeping a food diary. But the big revelation was that losing weight isn’t a zero-sum game.


If you’re wondering about the rash, that ended up fine, too. Crozier got herself checked out and it turned out it was just a skin irritation from cold air. “I’m glad I was paranoid enough to think it was something worse, though,” she says, “or I wouldn’t be where I am.”



Kim Westerman
Kim Westerman

金·韦斯特曼(Kim Westerman)是自由旅行,食物,咖啡和葡萄酒作家,也是一位对正念和沉思研究感兴趣的长期写作老师。她与妻子和两个小孩一起住在加利福尼亚的伯克利。


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