6 Science-Backed Reasons Why We Eat Our Cravings

经过Trinh Le, MPH, RD
6 Science-Backed Reasons Why We Eat Our Cravings

食物渴望是一种苦乐参半的经历。对有问题的渴望的极端渴望 - 巧克力,芝士蛋糕,薯片甚至泡菜 - 会使它的味道像天堂的一小部分。另一方面,如果您不小心,那么在实现健康目标方面,渴望可能是一个很大的挫折。那是因为我们大多数人都不渴望胡萝卜。相反,高糖和脂肪的热量富含卡路里的食物是我们食物幻想的流行诱因。毫无疑问,北美最渴望的食物是巧克力

If you experience food cravings, you should know you’re not alone:97% of women and 68% of mendo, too. Cravings are normal because food is more than just fuel — it affects us on both an emotional and physiological level. This is why we’re in awe of human beings who haven’t eaten candy since 1989 (we’re looking at you,Dwayne先生“ The Rock” Johnson先生!)。

But seriously, before you go scratch your food-craving itch, check out these 6 science-backed reasons for why you crave. Having a good grasp on why you desire a food so intensely can help you figure out a more satisfying fix.

1. You don’t prioritize hydration.
喝足够的液体是一个每天的挑战,我们大多数人都认为在渴了之前喝酒。到那时,我们已经脱水了。研究表明口渴可能是poor indicatorfor how much fluid we actually need. Sometimes, it can be mistaken for hunger and manifests itself as a desire to snack mindlessly without an identifiable trigger — you may not even know what you want to snack on.

The Fix:很容易排除口渴作为您食物渴望的潜在原因。倒一杯水,喝酒!然后,在重新评估渴望之前,请给自己10-20分钟。携带水瓶是一种提醒自己全天喝水的便捷方法。

我们都对压力的反应不同。它的estimated压力会导致我们少吃和4的40%0% to eat more, while the remaining 20% won’t change our eating behavior. If you’re part of the group that uses food as a coping strategy, you likely seek out “comfort foods” high in fat, carbs or both. While it sounds like common sense, science has two reasons for why this may happen. First, the highly palatable combination of fat and sugar trips the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps with情绪控制。第二,积极的心情通过做出更健康的食物选择来思考未来以及您所能获得的影响。负面情绪使您专注于现在和现在,因此您可以找到可以与您的目标形成鲜明对比的快速,有益的解决方案。

The Fix:Before you dig into a slice of cake or grab a sugary donut, look for nonfood strategies to deal with stress. This can be going for a brief stroll or jog, meditating for 20 minutes, burying your nose in aromatherapy or venting to a close friend.

Premenstrual syndrome对于许多女性来说,是一个真实的,经常出现的每月挑战。在此期间,激素水平的变化可以抵抗减肥。万博彩票下载安卓狗万体育买球孕酮的尖峰会鼓励您的身体保留更多的水和钠,从而导致外观浮肿。雌激素的浸入会影响您的食欲,使您渴望甜和咸的食物。

The Fix:使用各种策略来处理PMS。定期运动甚至冥想已显示可有效改善PMS症状。为了挤压食物的渴望,可以拿到酸奶,格兰诺拉麦片,无盐坚果,黑巧克力以及奶酪和饼干等营养丰富的零食。请记住,与PMS相关的食物渴望将会过去。

4. Your blood sugar is low.
如果您健康,您的身体通常在检查血糖水平方面做得很好。这是因为糖葡萄糖是大脑首选的燃料来源,因此您的身体喜欢防止血糖浸入太低。但是,您可以通过对苏打水或糖果(例如糖果)的简单糖过载来抛弃这种副业,这可能会导致血糖飙升并跌落,从而使您的状况比以前更糟。另外,特别long and/or intense workoutcan lower your blood sugar if you don’t refuel during the process. Feeling hungry and craving something sweet are common signs your blood sugar just took a nosedive.

The Fix:If your goal is to lose weight, look for healthier sweets to satisfy your cravings. Pair fresh or dried fruit with a protein like cottage cheese or yogurt, or a healthy fat like mixed nuts to balance out your desire for carbs. If you still feel like tackling that cake, then carve yourself a moderate slice.

If you set overly restrictive calorie and food rules to achieve your weight goals, you are more likely to experience intense food cravings. It is believed that practicing rigid rules耗尽认知资源also used to manage life’s unexpected stressors. So, when a stressful event such as an important deadline, divorce or death happens, it negatively affects your ability to control overeating.

The Fix:Understand that your willpower is a reservoir with limits.Giving yourself permission to eat all foods可以帮助减少渴望,因为食物会失去对您的力量。让您的饮食灵活性更高,以享受您喜欢的食物而无需内gui。

6. You didn’t get enough sleep.
有一个非常真实的sleep-weight connection,越来越多的证据表明,睡眠时间短(每晚少于7个小时)对您的健康目标有害。发表在美国临床营养杂志2011年发现,睡眠不足的参与者平均每天增加300卡路里的热量。为什么这可能是?睡眠不足会使您的食欲荷尔蒙脱落。生长素(又名饥饿激素)增加,瘦素(饱腹激素)在您睡眠不足时会下降。

The Fix:The fix here is simply to prioritize sleep. A few good strategies include turning down your lights an hour before bed, reducing screen time (e.g., TV, laptop, phone) at night, sneaking in exercise and laying off the caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime.

About the Author

Trinh Le, MPH, RD
Trinh is a registered dietitian by day, blogger at无所畏惧的食物路经过night. She loves helping folks develop a better relationship with food, which includes lots of cooking, eating and learning about nutrition. When she’s not snapping mouthwatering shots of (mostly) healthy food, you can find Trinh HIIT-ing it at her local gym. For more, connect with her onFacebook,,,,InstagramandPinterest


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