

经过Trinh Le, MPH, RD
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Not surprisingly, the weight-loss journey is different for everyone, but did you know that your gender can drive these differences? Women experience monthly fluctuations in hormones that affect them physically and emotionally. If you’re a woman trying to lose weight, “that time of the month” is another layer to deal with in order to succeed.


“ PMS”或经前综合症,是需要借口成为Cruella de Vil的女性使用的独角兽现象,对吗?错误的!PMS是一个可诊断的生理和心理变化症状簇,根据Drs. Steven Pray, PhD, DPh and Joshua J. Pray, PharmD,高达40%的女性经历!

News flash: Monthly hormonal changes and PMS are a real deal. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM V), also known as the psychologist’s bible, defines PMS as having five plus signs or symptoms for two consecutive menstrual cycles. Here’s a chart of some those signs and symptoms. As you can see, bloating and swelling are key contributors to what women will experience as “weight gain.”

身体标志 Psychological Symptoms
-Abdomina bloating
-Swollen hands and feet
-Cravings for sweet and salty foods
- 社会戒断
-Sleep disturbances

Table Adapted from: Brown, Judith E. (2011). Nutrition Through the Lifecycle, Fourth Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

How PMS Affects Weight, Woes and Cravings

女性的月经周期是由变动ng hormones, not all of which are implicated in PMS. At the start of your cycle, the pituitary gland releases hormones (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones) to help you ovulate. During this period, an ovum (aka egg) matures and is released from your ovaries, leaving behind a group of cells known as the “corpus luteum.” The corpus luteum’s job is to produce estrogen and progesterone, which builds up a nutrient-rich blood lining to help the ovum thrive. This lining is (you guessed it!) your monthly visitor.

So, how可能这个周期导致PMS?

1. Progesterone surges.在您的月经之前,孕激素的升高是可能发生腹胀,温柔和肿胀的原因。孕酮鼓励身体释放更多醛固酮,一种激素,告诉您的肾脏保留水和钠,可以部分解释您在一个月的那个时候的膨胀外观。女性增加几磅的水重是正常的。孕酮的作用是准备怀孕的身体,这通常意味着帮助您以水的形式或其他方式增加体重。

2. Estrogen dips.您的雌激素水平在排卵前就达到了峰值,但尽管叶酸菌群有助于生产,但随后会大幅下降和高原。在您期间的前一周,雌激素浸入是对PMS症状的潜在解释,例如渴望甜和咸食物,烦躁,抑郁,焦虑,恶心等的渴望?雌激素下降会降低5-羟色胺的活性,这是一种影响您的情绪和食欲的神经递质。Lower serotonin activitycan lead to negative emotions, which can drive us to look for reprieve in sweet and salty junk foods.



Have you ever been on a weight-loss streak only to step on the scale and discover you’ve gained five pounds? We feel your pain. There aren’t that many tried-and-true techniques to deal with PMS, but here are a few that can help:

1. Keep calm, and exercise on.



尝试将咖啡因的摄入量(思考:咖啡和能量饮料)放在一个档次上。Rossignol等。found in a survey of 841 women that PMS symptoms were worse when the participants reported drinking more caffeine-containing beverages daily. Keep in mind that this is学习。Some of us actually use caffeine-containing drinks to combat PMS symptoms like fatigue and feeling bloated because caffeine is a mild diuretic (it makes you pee). There’s no solid answer here; it’s best to figure out which strategy is better for your body.

DID YOU KNOW?Midol是一种针对PMS的非处方药,每剂中含有60毫克的咖啡因。这大约是1杯咖啡中的数量。


When it comes to PMS cravings, eat outside the chocolate box. Chocolate is the go-to PMS panacea for many women, likely because its sweetness is comforting. After all, eating chocolate and treats cause the brain to release feel-good dopamine and serotonin. Instead of just reaching for chocolate, go for nutrient-rich snacks that provide calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Some ideas include yogurt, granola, unsalted nuts, cheese and crackers, and smoked salmon on half of a bagel.



5.每周记录体重。Even if you don’t experience extreme PMS, your weight may fluctuate as a result of monthly hormonal changes. If you easily gain 5–10 pounds of period weight every month, regularly tracking weight makes it easier for you to see progress. No matter what the scale says, don’t let it deflate your motivation!

一个bout the Author

Trinh Le, MPH, RD
Trinh is a registered dietitian by day, blogger at无所畏惧的食物路经过night. She loves helping folks develop a better relationship with food, which includes lots of cooking, eating and learning about nutrition. When she’s not snapping mouthwatering shots of (mostly) healthy food, you can find Trinh HIIT-ing it at her local gym. For more, connect with her onFacebook,,,,InstagramandPinterest


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