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当日历更改时,自然而然地将其用作健康,健康和恢复身体状况的额外动力。They say it takes two weeks for a habit to form, so we’ve developed a plan to incrementally add a new healthy habit for the year’s first five days, then aim to incorporate three out of five, or all five, each day for two weeks.

该计划旨在帮助您逐步和系统地构建healthy habitsand make progress by conquering the first 19 days of 2019 while building new habits to last you 365 days and beyond.

The challenge:养成一个健康的习惯,一天一次,直到每天养成所有五个习惯。现在,您必须每天14天的全部五个(或五分之三)的全部五个(或三分之三)兼顾。在下面打印出我们的日历,并在您所处的评论中告诉我们!

Nailing this habitcould change your entire life. The unfortunate truth is the average person sleeps less than the recommended 7–9 hours per night, andpoor sleep is correlatedwith many health problems as well as weight gain.

For the next 19 days (at least), commit to getting 8 hours of sleep every night — you’ll feel more energized, improve your mental and physical health and boost your recovery.

Regardless of your fitness goals, nutrition will make or break your results. The recommendation from the World Health Organization is to eatfive servings但是,每天的水果和蔬菜中,研究表现出更大的益处和疾病风险的饮食量10 servings per day. Plus,proteinis important for weight loss, building muscle and recovery. (Fish, chicken, beef, turkey, tofu, etc. are all good options.)

For the next 18 days, commit to eatingvegetables or fruit at every meal. Also aim to hit your protein requirements. Bonus points if you log it on MyFitnessPal; if you havemyfitnesspalPremium, tracking your macros is a no-brainer.

Hydration is importantto overall health and for reaching your fitness and weight-loss goals. The Institute of Medicine recommends 3.7 liters of water daily for adult men and 2.7 liters/day for adult women. Remember: With more physical activity, you have to drink more water than the average person — always hydrate before, during and after you exercise.

Calculate your hydration needs, then for the next 16 days, carry that water bottle with you wherever you go and fill it up to ensure you’re hydrated throughout the day. Bonus points if you log your water intake onmyfitnesspal.

Now that we’ve addressed your nutrition and sleep, it’s time to layer on your training. The key to achieving any fitness goal is to be consistent — fitness is a “marathon, not a sprint.” That’s why, instead of forcing yourself to try an overwhelming approach, stick with attainable goals and knock them out. Adults should getroughly 150 minutes(这是2 1/2小时)根据官方体育活动指南,中等强度的体育活动,例如每周轻快的步行。

For the first 15 days of 2019, aim to walk or work out for a total of 20–30 minutes a day. You can space sessions outhowever your schedule allows, but make sure you hit your number.

要在右脚开始2019年,请每天留出几分钟以放松和放松。你可以做几分钟meditation或者yogaeach morning or evening to help you feel more calm throughout the day and handle the ups and downs of life. If that’s too woo-woo, spend a few minutes every day泡沫滚动your body — it removes trigger points and knots, improves your muscle tissue quality, promotes blood flow and recovery within your muscles and helps relax those chronically tight muscles.

Each day for the next 14 days, try closing your eyes for a few minutes, doing breathing exercises or foam rolling — it will all help. Bonus points if you go to a yoga class.

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