What’s the Deal with All These Infused Coffees?

经过布莱恩·萨宾(Brian Sabin)
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What’s the Deal with All These Infused Coffees?

If being considered healthy is a race, then coffee is like美国800米跑步者戴夫(Dave)在1972年的奥运会上向沃特尔(Dave Wottle)进行了冠军。就像沃特尔(Wottle)似乎被困在背包的后面一样,咖啡远非几年前大多数人认为健康食品的东西。人们担心饮料是心脏病甚至癌症的潜在原因。但是现在,新的(和更好)的研究已经出现。

例如,2012新英格兰医学杂志研究重新检查了研究,并发现,当您消除吸烟或饮食不佳的混杂生活方式因素时,咖啡饮用者实际上不太可能患有心脏问题或任何其他威胁生命的疾病。数据显示咖啡与所有主要死亡原因之间存在反比关系。逆转课程,世界卫生组织宣布咖啡不会引起癌症,可能有助于保护you from the disease. And just as Wottle kicked it into high gear down the home stretch to blow past his competition and win a gold medal, coffee has surged into the top spot on the list of health foods people consume daily.

Indeed, with更多的and更多研究proving the benefits of drinking a cup of joe, the question “is coffee healthy?” has been replaced by a new query: “Just how healthy can coffee be?”


数据已经显示咖啡很远the number 1 source of antioxidants在美国饮食中。(大多数美国人需要吃更多蔬菜和水果的事实是另一个话题。)现在,制造商正试图通过提供注入的咖啡来进一步迈出一步,这些咖啡每饮能够提供更有益的特性。他们是通过在诸如努力疗法(保护或改善大脑表现)的化合物中混合的,以及蘑菇之类的食物,这些食物进一步增加了抗氧化剂水平。这是市场上最受欢迎的三个混合物,以及它们可以为您做什么:



Two studies — in theBritish Journal of Nutritionand食物和营养科学— shows a concentrated form of these antioxidants increases the body’s production of a protein called脑衍生的神经营养因子,或bdnf。BDNF修复大脑中破裂的神经元或帮助其生长新的神经元。直到最近,提升BDNF的最有效方法一直很剧烈锻炼。This new research indicates supplementation is another option. Enter神经咖啡,将整个咖啡果浓缩物的配方混合在一起,称为神经效果与Java。

“激烈的运动增加了BDNF,但并非每个人都有时间或身体能力每周七天进行锻炼,”迈克·鲁塞尔(Mike Rousell),谁拥有营养博士学位,并配制了神经咖啡。他补充说,包括补充剂在人们每天消费的东西中都可以确保一致性。“喝咖啡的人总是喝咖啡。我拥有营养博士学位,并且没有100%的时间将维生素带走。”他每天早上都喝咖啡。而且,如果您是喝咖啡的人,那么您也可能会这样做。

Roussell says every cup of Neuro Coffee delivers 100mg of whole coffee fruit concentrate, which is the dose shown to be effective in studies. The brew comes in ground coffee and coffee pod versions and isavailable here


Kimera Koffee背后的想法是采用该品牌创始人已经消耗的促智药,并将其与早晨的啤酒融合在一起。所得混合物在每杯中提供725毫克的补充剂,例如Alpha GPC,Taurine,Dmae和L-theanine。每个人的原因是什么?

  • αGPC已被证明有助于大脑健康tudies ofrodentsandtheelderly。该化合物还可能为抵抗训练带来一些好处,因为显示了600mg剂量to boost bench press powerin a trial of seven men who had at least two years of training experience. It’s also shown the potential to improve power output during an exercise session and possibly enhance the output of growth hormones at a dosage of 600mg.
  • DMAE是另一种思维卫生化合物,主要是研究的对认知下降的影响among the elderly.
  • L-Theanine is known to take some of the “edge” off of a stimulant, such as caffeine. In fact, a combination L-Theanine plus caffeine has been shown to提高注意力和认知
  • 牛磺酸是您可能认识到的物质,如果您曾经仔细观察Red Bull- 也在那里。该氨基酸已显示为improve blood flow1500mg的剂量。这也显示出在某些研究中提高运动表现的潜力。

Kimera Koffee提供了几种不同的咖啡品种available here


Why would you mix your morning java with mushrooms you’ve never heard of? Here’s the argument: “Mushrooms can potentially lower the acidity of coffee, lower cholesterol and reduce the jittery feeling of coffee,” says Tero Isokauppila, the founder of Four Sigmatic and author ofHealing Mushrooms: A Practical and Culinary Guide to Using Adaptogenic Mushrooms for Whole Body Health透明You also get access to antioxidants and nutrients you might not otherwise consume.

For example, Chinese mushrooms, such as cordyceps, have been found to have the potential to be helpful in the预防或治疗慢性病like cancer, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes. In fact, cordyceps have a colorful history within Chinese medicine, initially being used by mountain herders who saw yaks, goats and other livestock who consumed the mushroom while grazing became “非常坚强。”还有一些关于耐力运动员的研究,这些研究表明补充虫草可以improve exercise capacity

Chaga, meanwhile, is a mushroom that primarily grows in Russia, where it is used for medicinal purposes. Studies show this mushroom can stimulate the body’s免疫系统乃至selectively kill cancer cells。Both chaga and cordyceps are classified as adaptogens, foods that reduce the impact of stressors upon the body according to阿育吠陀医学


About the Author

布莱恩·萨宾(Brian Sabin)

Brian is a freelance writer, editor, consultant and coach. He is also a runner and lifter of (moderately) heavy objects. Ask him a question@briandsabinon Twitter.


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