Wake Up Better: 4 Stretches to Start Your Day

詹妮弗·普迪(Jennifer Purdie)
经过詹妮弗·普迪(Jennifer Purdie)
Wake Up Better: 4 Stretches to Start Your Day



For non-morning people, you can begin this stretching routine without even leaving your bed.


“Move up the body. Hug one knee at a time to your chest, then both knees together to your chest. Keeping your back flat on the mattress, you can take both knees together and drop them toward one side and then the other for a nice torso rotation.


“Put your arms out on the mattress so they look like goal posts. Keep your elbows and hands on the mattress and gently slide your hands up until they touch, then return to starting position and repeat.

“Sink down into “child’s pose” stretching through the glutes, back and shoulders. Then “thread the needle” in child’s pose: Take your right arm and reach it through the space between your left arm and the mattress or floor so you get that nice rotation in your torso. Repeat on other side.”


If you prefer more of a meditative start to your day, this stretching workout that incorporates lots of breathing will help clear your mind.


“Cross your legs at the shins. Lengthen your spine. On an inhale, lift from your sternum, exhale and twist to the right. You can place your left hand to the outer right thigh as you rotate from the navel to the right rib cage. On each inhale find more space, on an exhale maybe twist deeper. Hold for 5 breaths. Unwind gently and repeat on other side.

“Come to a table-top position with your hands under your shoulders; knees under hips. Spread wide through the fingers, hug your naval in slightly. On an inhale, draw your chest between your arms (cow pose), exhale, scoop the belly and round the back (cat pose). Move with your breath, and do cat-cow 5–10 times.

-梅利莎·奥卡贝(Melissa Okabe),瑜伽教练


Wake up with lactic acid built up in your legs? These subtle stretches can work out the pain from running.



“Begin with one leg in front of the other. Your front knee should be bent and your back leg should be straight. Apply more bodyweight into the front leg and imagine there is a stake running through your back heel. Hold that stretch for 30–60 seconds as you feel your calf lengthen. (This is known as your traditional runner’s stretch.)

“Look straight up to the ceiling. Relax your jaw to feel a stretch at the front of your neck.”
-詹姆斯·夏皮罗(James Shapiro), MS, certified personal trainer



“先平躺,面对武器你的年代ides. Bend your knees. Allowing your feet to stack one on top of the other, rock your knees side to side letting gravity pull them down as far as you can go without letting your shoulders raise up off the floor. Exhale as you drop your knees, inhale at the top. Repeat 5 times per side.

“Next, tuck your belly button in and raise your knees up toward your chest, feet off the ground. Roll your knees 5 times to each side keeping the shoulders down.



“Raise yourself into a pushup position. Inhale. As you exhale, push your hips up and back into downward dog. Drive your heels toward the floor. Pause. Lower to pushup position gently. Repeat 10 times.”
-Kristian Flores, strength and conditioning coach

About the Author

詹妮弗·普迪(Jennifer Purdie)
詹妮弗·普迪(Jennifer Purdie)


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