MyFitnesspal的工作人员一天揭示了他们一天的饮食 - 我们的营养师给了它一个宏观改头换面

MyFitnesspal的工作人员一天揭示了他们一天的饮食 - 我们的营养师给了它一个宏观改头换面

MyFitnesspal的工作人员一天揭示了他们一天的饮食 - 我们的营养师给了它一个宏观改头换面


想要自己的教练吗?查看我们的Intro to Macro Tracking Plan在MyFitnessPal应用程序中,为如何达到这些宏观目标的日常指南!


Lifecycle Marketing Manager, Lauren M., loves learning new things. So when we asked her to give macro tracking a try, she was all in. An outdoor enthusiast, pescatarian, and habit-stacker, Lauren aims to be active everyday, and sneaks in extra steps wherever she can. Her nutrition goals? Lasting energy throughout the day and getting back to pre-pandemic fitness levels.

  • Acai bowl with vanilla almond milk, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, bananas, unsweetened acai, baby spinach, bee pollen, walnuts, and whey protein powder
  • 1 cup black coffee with a scoop of collagen peptides

  • 2个煮鸡蛋

myfitnesspalStaffers Reveal What They Eat in a Day – Our Dietitians Give It a Macro Makeover

  • 4 ounces salmon with roasted potatoes, broccoli, and a drizzle of olive oil

myfitnesspalStaffers Reveal What They Eat in a Day – Our Dietitians Give It a Macro Makeover

  • 2 clementines and a handful of blackberries
  • 1杯冷冻的黑樱桃,有73%的黑巧克力(2个部分)
  • 60盎司的水

The Dietitian’s Take


“作为pescatianth,很难获得足够的蛋白质but Lauren does really well by incorporating that macro into every meal. One tip would be to spread out her protein intake over the course of a day. Your body can only turn so much protein into muscle at one time and most of Lauren’s protein is weighted at breakfast. So for her, it might be better to save a quarter of the acai bowl to have at lunch. That way, we aren’t modifying any recipes or having to prepare extra food – just redistributing the protein.”



myfitnesspalStaffers Reveal What They Eat in a Day – Our Dietitians Give It a Macro Makeover

罗斯·L(Ross L.Ross是跑步者,画家和MyFitnessPal产品设计师,他正在寻找一种健康,灵活的例程,为他提供足够的精力来露营,攀登,远足 - 甚至可能很早就醒来。或许。

myfitnesspalStaffers Reveal What They Eat in a Day – Our Dietitians Give It a Macro Makeover

  • 希腊酸奶(5.3盎司)
  • 善良的花生酱格兰诺拉麦片
  • 2杯黑咖啡

myfitnesspalStaffers Reveal What They Eat in a Day – Our Dietitians Give It a Macro Makeover

  • 2玉米饼上的玉米饼:1 carne asada搭配鳄梨调味酱,玉米和奶酪;1 Al鳄梨,洋葱和绿色莎莎的Al牧师

  • 烤鸡肉碗配蒸粗麦粉,羊奶酪,鳄梨,春季混合物,chipotle牧场调味料,烤洋葱和铃铛辣椒

  • Habanero Lime Kettle Chips (2.5-ish ounces)
  • 花生M&M的 - 完整包,而不是家庭大小(不是这次)
  • Lots of water, probably about 16 cups or so
  • 2个朦胧的IPA
  • 1 glass of red wine

The Dietitian’s Take

“罗斯肯定会进食以实现自己的目标!他全天都有大量能量,每顿饭都有蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪的平衡。我特别喜欢所有vegetables in his dinner; the vitamins and minerals are really important for improving energy and building muscle.”



Like any healthy habit, macro tracking takes practice and even一路上的一些调整。每隔几周与您自己和宏观比率一起检查一下,看看您的感觉。您的能量水平如何?您整天都在平衡蛋白质摄入吗?得到足够的水果?如果您没有得到想要的结果,请调整宏以适应您的目标,您将立即像专业人士一样跟踪。

我们的Intro to Macro Tracking Plan现在可以在MyFitnessPal应用程序中找到。注册免费的高级试用审判以访问该计划!

Ready to take the next step?Unlock MyFitnessPal Premiumto access custom goal settings, quick-log recipes, and guided plans from a registered dietitian. Premium users are 65% more likely to reach their weight loss goals!

About the Author


myfitnesspal提供强大的工具,使任何人更容易通过tracking their meals and physical activity.Make healthy choices and visit theMyFitnessPal博客并下载myfitnesspal(如果您还没有)。


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