4 Kettlebell Mistakes You Might Be Making

byLauren Del Turco
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4 Kettlebell Mistakes You Might Be Making

Using kettlebellsis a one-way ticket to feeling like a superhero in the gym.Kettlebell swingsare the building blocks of a legit workout. They’re also pretty easy to do incorrectly.

“Kettlebell swings are a great movement because they develop strength and power in your posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings) and also train your core,” saysTim Liu,一名经过认证的力量和条件专家。“他们锻炼你的肌肉耐力,elevate your heart rate,因此您也从他们那里获得心血管锻炼效果。”

The 2-for-1 benefits of the move require some mastery to truly reap, though. “To perform the movement correctly, you must be able to engage and control multiple muscles at the same time,” says Jackie Wilson, a certified personal trainer and founder ofNova Fitness Studios. The result: Many gym-goers — especially beginners — get them wrong.

The next time you want to get your burn on with a bell, avoid these common kettlebell swing mistakes.


Basically, instead of swinging from the hips like a pendulum, many people squat straight down and then rely too much on their upper body to lift the kettlebell forward and up. The result: You miss out on the glute and hamstring benefits the move should offer, says Liu.



“To fix, keep your chest proud and your chin slightly tucked,” he says. “This will help you maintain proper alignment during the entire movement.”


To keep your lower back safe, activate your core and glutes throughout your swing and finish the movement standing tall with your glutes squeezed, Liu advises.

Many kettlebell swingers also put their back at risk by leaning too far back and pushing their hips too far forward at the top of the movement, says Wilson. This also strains the lower back and increases injury risk.

In the correct ending position of a kettlebell swing, you stand with your hips directly beneath your shoulders with a neutral spine (meaning no rounding in your upper back or overarching in your lower back), Wilson explains.

“Finish the movement standing upright with your core engaged, knees locked, and glutes squeezed,” he says.



To do a Romanian deadlift, stand holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides. Keep your knees ever-so-slightly bent and push your hips back as far as you can while keeping your spine neutral, Liu says. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, push your hips forward and squeeze your glutes to come back to a standing position.

This movement strengthens your posterior chain, which powers the kettlebell swing.

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About the Author

Lauren Del Turco

Lauren is a writer, editor and content creator with a deep passion for all things health and wellness. Her work has been featured in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Cosmopolitan, SHAPE, Prevention and more. A self-proclaimed veggie-lover and nature-seeker, Lauren spends her free time reading, hiking and coaching at her local group training gym.



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