6 Ways to Make Running a Habit

bySarah Wassner Flynn
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6 Ways to Make Running a Habit

想要跑步更多,但缺乏真正的跟进来真正到达那里,每月(或更少)进行一次以上?丽莎·里希曼(Lisa Reichmann)和朱莉·萨珀(Julie Sapper)Run Farther & Fasterin the Washington, D.C. area, offer tips for making running a regular part of your life.

Habit Helper 1: Sign up for a Race

Maybe you’ve never even been to a road race, yet alone participate in one. But whether you’re a regular runner or you’ve never jogged more than a mile, committing yourself to a major goal (like finishing a 5K, or running it in a certain time) is a highly motivating way to stick to your routine.

First, there’s the financial commitment: Once you plunk down the cash to compete (note: most races offer a discounted entry fee if you register in advance), you’ll be more motivated to make it to that starting line. Plus, “Having a concrete date on the calendar in front of you also provides you with a framework to plan your training towards a specific goal,” says Reichmann.


Habit Helper 2: Track Your Progress

无论您喜欢使用应用程序还是用笔和纸保持老式的东西,记录锻炼is key to keeping up your activity. “Tracking your training gives you a visual reminder of what you’ve accomplished—and guilt if you haven’t logged a workout in a while. And it’s also a way to know if you’re doing too much—or too little,” says Reichmann, who advises that you don’t increase your mileage by more than 10% per week to avoid injury and burnout.


Habit Helper 3: Get Social

When it comes to running, there’s motivation in numbers. Joining a running group or招募朋友或同事加入您的公园周围每天或每周慢跑,这可能就是您将运行一部分的一部分所需的东西。Reichmann说:“与拥有相似目标的人一起奔跑通常比单独奔跑更具动力,因为您知道有人依靠您出现。”“只要确保您与与您的步伐相匹配的人跑步。如果[速度]太快或太慢,这可能导致受伤。”


Habit Helper 4: Start off Slow



Habit Helper 5: Keep it Fresh


Another way to fun it up? Treat yourself to new gear. It could be brand new shoes (head to your local running shop to find the perfect pair for you), funky-patterned tights or a neon-colored top. “It doesn’t hurt if it’s cute so that you look forward to putting them on for your run,” says Sapper.

Habit Helper 6: Plan it Right

无论您是在职业,孩子还是两者兼而有之,都很容易让生活妨碍运动。但是,如果您像计划会议或播放日期那样计划自己的锻炼,那么您将能够找到时间进入他们。“现实点。如果你不是morning person,当您知道自己可能会通过警报睡觉时,请不要安排凌晨6点的跑步。”


  • Be flexible:里希曼说:“即使您没有计划跑步的整个小时,也要尽可能长时间出去。”
  • 做好准备:“Lay out your running clothes the night before a run if you plan to run early in the morning, or pack your running shoes and a change of clothes if you plan to run at work,” says Reichmann.
  • 开放:“Let others know about your goals, and seek their support,” says Reichmann. “Ask a spouse, parents, friends, family, co-workers or neighbors to help so that you can carve out time for your training, and honor your commitment.”

About the Author

Sarah Wassner Flynn

A longtime runner and triathlete, Sarah has been able to blend her passions for endurance sports and writing into a freelance career. She’s covered everything from profiles on Olympic gold medalists to tips on training for your first 5K for numerous media outlets. When she’s not writing about races, Sarah is usually training or competing in one. She also writes kid’s and teen nonfiction books and articles for国家地理Girls’ Life Magazine. Sarah lives just outside of Washington, D.C. with her husband, Mark, and their three children. Follow her on Instagram (@athletemoms) and Twitter (@athletemoms).



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