So You Want to Start…Working Out in the Morning

Elle Penner, MPH, RD
byElle Penner, MPH, RD
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So You Want to Start…Working Out in the Morning

Over the years I’ve grown to love exercising in the morning. It frees up my evenings, leaves me fewer excuses for skipping out on a workout, and helps me feel more alert throughout the day. Research shows morning workouts can also improve sleep, acuity, and productivity, as well as positively impact diet and exercise habits.

However, just because I love morning workouts doesn’t mean I leap out of bed at the sound of my alarm, eager to exercise every day. Even us morning people might find it tough to head out for a run before the sun rises or attend a 6AM burpee bootcamp. I’ve skipped my fair share of early workouts, but I’ve also gotten quite good at not skipping them too, thanks to a little strategic planning, preparation and positive thinking.

If you’re wanting to become more of a morning exerciser, here are some of my top tips. Maybe they’ll help you too!

1.放松一下。If you’ve never exercised in the morning before, don’t sign up for 6AM personal training sessions five days in a row. To start, schedule one morning workout per week. Try choosing a day you have something fun planned for that night. Knowing you can’t put your workout off might give you more incentive to get out of bed and exercise that morning. When you start to feel okay with one day per week, bump it up to 2. Gradually your body (and brain) will get used to sweating before 7 o’clock.

2. Write a workout schedule for the week.This is helpful no matter what time of day you prefer to exercise, but building your day around a morning workout really does give you fewer excuses to skip it. Besides a horrible night’s sleep, there are few things that can get in the way of you and your morning workout. When writing your workout schedule, also consider things like work deadlines, events and travel plans, so you can let your真的忙碌的日子是休息日!

3.入伍workout buddy.It’s a lot harder to skip a morning sweat session if you have someone counting on you to show up. No one wants to bethatperson who bails!

4. Before you go to bed, decide确切地what morning workout you will do.例如,没有说“我明天上班前锻炼,”说:“我将慢跑2英里,明天下班前进行30次俯卧撑。”锻炼议程通过消除浪费的几分钟来辩论哪种有氧运动设备或下一步进行哪种力量,从而最大程度地提高了效率。这使您可以预算适合锻炼所需的适当时间。它还可以防止您在思考您将进行哪种类型的运动时回头睡觉。

5. Lay out your exercise clothes the night before.仅这种手势就可以在早上起床锻炼。这需要猜测天气的盛装,如果您睡个好觉中的睡眠中昏昏欲睡,这可能会过于复杂。检查一夜之间的低温,并相应地计划您的锻炼服装。如果您的锻炼相当早,那么温度可能会在夜晚的低温下或接近夜晚。您仍然很睡觉的重要其他人会很高兴不会听到您在寻找自己喜欢的袜子时在黑暗中陷入困境。

6. Pack your gym bag before you go to bed if you plan on showering elsewhere.您不太可能忘记除臭剂和内衣等关键物品。我两者都做到了,这并不是一天的开端。将其更进一步,写下一份必需物品的列表,例如洗发水和护发素,毛巾,除臭剂等……并在打包时快速窥视它。最终,您会记住它!

7。睡个好觉.Like I mentioned above, there are few things that can get in the way of you and your morning workout, but sleep deprivation is one of them. It’ll get the best of you almost every time.

8.思考积极的想法。When your alarm goes off, don’t dwell on how much you’d rather fall back asleep or how tired you are. Instead, focus on what you’re excited to do with your free time after school or work, or how great you’ll feel the rest of the day for sticking to your goal. Remember, the only workouts you regret are the ones you don’t do!

Working out in the morning isn’t for everyone, but if you want to start then it’s entirely possible to make it a healthy habit with enough planning, preparation and positive thinking. I’m proof—and I hope these little tricks will help you too!

Do you prefer morning, afternoon or evening workouts? What helps you early exercisers get out of bed in the morning?


Elle Penner, MPH, RD
Elle Penner, MPH, RD

Elle is a nutrition and wellness writer, recipe developer, blogger and nutrition consultant whose favorite things include her camera, carbs and quality time with her toddler. For more from this busy mama, check out Elle’slifestyle blogor connect with her onInstagram,PinterestFacebook.



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