
byBrian Sabin
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当涉及到我们的身体时,“感知是现实”尤其如此。我们对自己的思想和感觉,被称为身体形象,可以使我们的决策变得更好或更糟。这可能是一个恶性循环:您会感到虚弱。因此,您不会去健身房。然后,您会感到懒惰 - 最终,您会变得更虚弱。

But you can also createvirtuous周期:你感觉强壮。因此,您要去健身房训练,因为您想维持和提高自己的力量。混合一些蛋白质奶昔,睡个好觉,很快,您甚至更强壮。

Here’s some good news that might kick off a spin around that virtuous cycle for you. A recent study showed that asingle bout of exercise is enough tochange your body image for the better。而且会议甚至不需要那么长的时间。研究人员发现,30分钟足以产生持久的积极影响。(好吧,实际上是38分钟,当您添加5分钟的热身和3分钟的冷却时间参与者时。但仍然没有大量时间。)

A team of academics at McMaster University in Canada conducted the study, which sought to assess how a single training session affected a person’s self-outlook. And they tested it on a tough crowd: college-aged women (17–23 years old) who had previous body-image concerns. Basically, they looked at a group of people who had a history of feeling not-so-great about their bodies, then examined whether exercise could make a difference.



The other was the test group. Women in this bunch cycled at a moderate-to-vigorous intensity for 30 minutes. How vigorous? The subjects kept their heart rate between 150–160 beats per minute throughout the session, with researchers adjusting the bike’s resistance to ensure testers stayed within the proper zone.


The result? Researchers observed a noticeable and lasting uptick in body image within the test group after the training session. Specifically, those who worked out focused more on their body’s strength, and were less likely to dwell on fat.

The takeaway: While you know you can’t measurably improve your strength or shred body fat in just one workout, you canfeellike you did. And that may be just as important.

“[This study] means that we don’t have to wait for the actual physical body to change — something that exercisers have little control over — in order to improve body image,” saysDr. Kathleen Martin Ginis,领导研究的教授。“相反,我们可以将元素建立在有助于促进身体形象改善的运动中 - 例如,让女性注意到自己通过锻炼而感到更强壮,更有能力。”

One important thing to note about the study is the participants were already regular exercisers, training three times per week on average. Someone who’s untrained or overweight shouldn’t try to jump right into working out at the same intensity as the women in this study.

“Starting with a 30-minute bout of moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity, as we did in this study, will likely be a big challenge for a sedentary woman,” Martin Ginis says. “You wouldn’t take a beginner skier down a black diamond run on their first go. They’ll get to the bottom (if they get there at all) feeling pretty incompetent, silly, banged up or discouraged. It’s the same with exercise.”

Instead of rushing headlong into a hard workout, Martin Ginis recommends newbies set goals within their capabilities that they can feel good about achieving. Then build off of them. And while the current study involved cycling, and Martin Ginis herself is an avid runner, the professor recommends that everybody — especially women — take a closer look at the weight room.


马丁·吉尼斯(Martin Ginis)说:“在我的研究和轶事中,我都发现女性对力量训练的反应非常有力。”“这使他们以有氧训练没有的方式思考身体的功能。I think that’s because there are more opportunities in a woman’s day-to-day life to actually see that she’s getting stronger (e.g., opening heavy doors, lifting groceries out of the car, picking up a child) than there are other opportunities to see she’s getting aerobically fitter.

“My advice would be to try doing some strength-training, pay attention to the effects on your functional capabilities and then think about how that makes you feel about your body,” Martin Ginis says.

About the Author

Brian Sabin

布莱恩(Brian)是自由作家,编辑,顾问和教练。他还是(中等)重物的跑步者和举重运动员。问他一个问题@briandsabinon Twitter.



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